Chapter 7| Embers of Clash

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At dinner, the atmosphere was tense yet familiar. Maryam couldn't help herself; the topic that had fueled countless debates and disagreements outside the walls of their home had found its way to their table once again. As they shared a meal, she decided to broach the subject, hoping to bridge the gap between their opposing viewpoints.

"Have you ever considered, Aahil, the importance of feminist movements?" Maryam's voice was calm, inviting discussion as she put the question on the table.

Aahil glanced up from his plate, his expression inscrutable. "And why would I?"

Maryam's determination to make him see her perspective was evident in her voice. "Because these movements seek to empower women, to ensure that they have equal rights, opportunities, and choices. They're about leveling the playing field."

Aahil's lips curved into a cynical smile. "Equal rights, hmm? Are you implying that women are not equal here?"

Maryam sighed, her patience fraying slightly. "I'm saying that women face unique challenges, and feminism seeks to address those challenges."

Aahil's eyebrows lifted in amusement. "Unique challenges? Like what?"

Maryam's gaze was unwavering as she spoke. "Like the gender pay gap, the lack of representation in leadership positions, and the societal pressures that dictate how women should behave and look."

Aahil's response was nonchalant, almost dismissive. "Feminists seem to forget that being a woman comes with certain responsibilities—being a good mother, a good wife."

Maryam's eyes narrowed, her voice sharpening. "And what exactly does being a 'good' mother or wife mean to you?"

Aahil leaned back in his chair, his tone casual yet loaded. "It means putting your family's needs above your own, supporting your husband, and maintaining the values and traditions that hold our society together."

Maryam's jaw tightened as she responded. "So, a woman's worth is determined solely by her adherence to these roles?"

Aahil's voice remained measured. "I never said that. But these roles are integral to a woman's identity. Feminists often stand against what actually makes them a woman. They're pushing for things that don't align with our values."

Maryam's eyes flashed, her voice filled with indignation. "And what values are those? Suppressing our voices? Accepting inequality?"

Aahil's gaze locked onto hers, his tone even. "No, upholding our traditions and ensuring our families thrive. Who would want an outspoken, ill-mannered woman as their wife?"

Maryam's frustration boiled over, her voice rising. "Speaking or standing up for oneself doesn't make one outspoken or ill-mannered. It makes them strong, capable of making their own choices."

Aahil's expression remained placid, his tone challenging. "And how would a strong, capable woman balance her responsibilities at home?"

Maryam's voice was laced with determination. "By sharing those responsibilities with her partner. By having open conversations and making decisions together. Strength and independence don't diminish a woman's ability to love, nurture, and care."

Aahil's gaze bore into hers, his voice softer yet unwavering. "Perhaps you should remember, Maryam, that it's easy to speak of ideals and theories. The real world is much more complex."

Maryam's voice trembled with a mix of frustration and earnestness. "And perhaps you should realize that a woman's strength doesn't threaten her ability to be a good mother or wife. It enhances it."

As their dinner table turned into a battlefield of ideas, the tension between Maryam and Aahil escalated. Their voices clashed, each defending their stance with fervor.

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