Chapter 13| Tease

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The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room. Maryam blinked her eyes open and found herself nestled in a cocoon of warmth. Aahil's hand was draped around her, and his head rested on the bed, his hair cascading over his face. Her heart skipped a beat as she took in the sight of him, his features softened in sleep. She couldn't help but admire the vulnerability of his expression, so different from the stern facade he usually wore.

She studied the curve of his jaw, the relaxed lines of his face, and found herself lost in the delicate dance of his breathing. The sun-kissed strands of his hair seemed to shimmer, and she couldn't help but think that he looked astonishingly gorgeous in this unguarded moment.

As her eyes traced the contours of his face, her phone's ringtone shattered the peaceful morning. She reached for the phone and answered it, her laughter ringing out as she chatted with Steven. Aahil stirred, and she saw his eyes flicker open, his gaze landing on her as he woke.

He listened for a moment to her laughter, his expression a mix of confusion and curiosity. Maryam met his gaze, and her laughter faded as she saw his eyes on her. "Kon hai?" he asked, his voice groggy.

"Steven," she replied with a smile.

"Oh, your lover," he said, his tone flat, and without another word, he got up and left the room.

Maryam's smile faltered as she watched him go, his abrupt departure leaving a strange mix of emotions swirling within her. She quickly finished her call with Steven, her mind still lingering on Aahil's reaction.

Later, they both returned to the haveli. Daadi took charge of Maryam, fussing over her like a concerned grandmother. Aahil watched from a distance, his eyes softening as he saw the care and attention Daadi showered on Maryam.

Her mother arrived, tears welling up in her eyes as she held Maryam close. "What happened, beta? Why didn't you tell me you were in trouble?"

Maryam's heart ached at the sight of her mother's worry. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, struggling with the truth she had to withhold. "I got lost, Ammi. I was scared and didn't want to worry you."

Aahil stood at a distance, his gaze shifting between Maryam and her mother. He could sense the unspoken pain in Maryam's eyes, the burden of the truth she was hiding. His respect for her grew, knowing the lengths she was going to protect her loved ones from the harsh reality.

In the following days, Aahil called a meeting with the village leaders responsible for the incident. His stern demeanor held an air of authority as he addressed them. "You thought you could get away with targeting a defenseless girl? Because of your foolish actions, she was locked in a hut, terrified and alone."

One of the men sneered. "It's just a girl. What's the big deal?"

Aahil's gaze darkened, his voice laced with anger. "She is extremely important to me, and her safety matters more than anything."

The men exchanged uneasy glances, the weight of his words sinking in. As Aahil dismissed them, his mind went to her vulnerable state, his expression a mixture of determination and protectiveness.

That night, as the moon hung in the sky, Maryam paced the hallway, waiting for Aahil to return from his meeting. Lost in her thoughts, she rounded a corner and collided with Aahil, both of them stumbling and falling to the ground.

As they stumbled and landed in a tangled heap on the ground, for a moment, they were caught in a comical tableau, their limbs entangled, faces mere inches apart. Maryam's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but she couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up, a mix of disbelief and amusement at their ridiculous situation.

Aahil's eyes widened in surprise as her laughter filled the air, and he found himself blinking at her in bemusement. The serious, stern Aahil Khan looked disoriented, caught off guard by her unexpected reaction.

"You-" Maryam's words were punctuated by giggles, "You have quite the knack for dramatic entrances, Mr. Khan."

Aahil's brows furrowed, his irritation returning as he managed to extricate himself from their tangled state. "This wasn't intentional," he grumbled, his tone a mix of defensiveness and annoyance.

Maryam's laughter only intensified, her voice teetering on the edge of teasing. "Oh, I'm sure. You just tripped and happened to bring me down with you."

He scowled at her, his pride evidently bruised by the situation. "It was an accident. Let's not make a big deal out of it."

Maryam's eyes twinkled with mischief as she pushed herself up from the ground, her laughter still ringing in the air. "Don't worry, Mr. Khan. Your secret's safe with me. We won't tell anyone about your not-so-graceful stumble."

Aahil's jaw clenched, his irritation reaching its peak as he stood up, his gaze stern and unwavering. "You have an uncanny ability to turn any situation into a spectacle."

Maryam grinned unabashedly, her laughter subsiding into a playful smirk. "Well, it's not every day I get to witness the great Aahil Khan losing his balance."

His eyes flashed with a mixture of frustration and something that resembled a reluctant amusement. "You find this amusing, don't you?"

Maryam shrugged nonchalantly, her smile unapologetic. "I can't deny that it's a refreshing change from the usual serious facade."

Aahil's lips pursed into a thin line, his irritation now tinged with a hint of resignation. "I'm glad I could provide some entertainment."

As they made their way to their feet, Maryam found herself caught in his gaze. The atmosphere between them had shifted from heated confrontation to something strangely lighter, a connection formed through their shared absurdity.

Their eyes held, a silent understanding passing between them, acknowledging the unexpected camaraderie that had sprung up. Maryam's playful smile persisted, and she took a step closer to him, her voice carrying a hint of mischief. "Don't worry, Mr. Khan. Your secret's safe with me. Just remember to watch your step next time."

Aahil's lips twitched, an almost imperceptible smile forming. "Noted."

As he turned to leave, Maryam couldn't help but feel a sense of victory, as if she had cracked through his armor of sternness, if only for a brief moment. Their altercation had transformed into a lighthearted banter, a glimpse into a side of Aahil that she hadn't expected to see.

As the night settled around them, Maryam's heart felt surprisingly light, a strange mixture of emotions swirling within her. She knew that beneath the clashes and the teasing, something more profound was at play-a connection that was growing stronger by the day, despite their differences and their constant bickering.

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