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"Come on, we're gonna be late!" My friend Sabrina said standing at my door, waiting for me all ready to go with her hand on her hip and purse on her arm. "I don't think that's the impression you want to make here" she said raising her eyebrow at me as I sat on my bed quickly tying my shoes.

"No, I think that's you who doesn't want Hayden to think you're the regularly late type" I said smirking at her as she rolled her eyes to hide the smile that was forming on her face. "Bedsides, he's meeting us there anyways so it's not that big of a deal. Now, Jordan? He will think we're always late." I said letting out a quick laugh while finishing tying my shoes and rushing into my bathroom to put on my lipgloss and fix my hair.

"Yeah, and did you forget who is with him? He's at Matthew's apartment, Paisley. That means that he will also think you're the regularly late person. And don't act like you wouldn't bone Jordan if given the chance, you're still in love with him." Sabrina said and I immediately grabbed my bag and started walking towards the door, trying to ignore the fact that she was right.

"Okay, fine, let's go let's go" I said grabbing the drink I made for myself earlier and downing it in seconds.

"Damn, girl. Nervous much?" She asked opening the door for me as we walked outside to her car in the driveway.

"No, I'm not nervous" I said getting in the passenger seat as she got in and started the car, already giving me an un-believing look. "Why would I have any reason to be nervous? Shouldnt that be you?" I asked and she one again gave me a look as she started to back out of the driveway and turned the music up.

I let out a huff and sat back in the seat, realizing that I do have many reasons to be nervous. Memories from the past three years played in my head as I relived how we got here.

Sabrina and I were college best friends and roommates, and bonded over many things, one of them being a certain growing band out of Nashville. We went to a few of their concerts during our sophomore, Junior, and senior years, becoming more and more enamored each time we saw them.

Our first concert of theirs we went to, I accidentally met one of the members without even realizing it was him. When he spoke to me, I was so taken aback by how hot he was that afterwards I genuinely fell to the ground. Sabrina had to pick me up and re-tell the story to me many many times over, especially after we realized who he was.

Somewhere along the line Sabrina and I started casually dm-ing this same member on Instagram. For the longest time it was innocent stuff, just replies to stories and such, until it was my 21st birthday and I wanted to get a tattoo that meant something to me. I couldn't think of anything better than something drawn from a member of the band that became my own version of free therapy. I messaged him and he answered almost immediately, sending me plenty of options.

It wasn't until our senior year when we were able to see them again, and I was finally able to show him in person the small heart tattoo I had on my wrist for months now. This interaction will forever be the day that Sabrina and I both credit for changing our lives.

After meeting the members of the band and having multiple special moments with this same member, it was finally realized that they knew who we were by name.

I smiled remembering that insane and exciting feeling. Knowing that your favorite artists knows your name and who you are enough to message back and forth every now and then? Crazy.

I looked down at my tattoo on my wrist and couldn't help but smile thinking about the day he sent me the drawings for it. And here we are now, almost two years later and we're on the way to his house to pick him up to go out for drinks with his band mates.

Sabrina and I moved to Nashville after graduation and thanks to our small connection with Matthew, I was able to get a job with their label. This job offer came after many messages and even a few meet ups with Matthew and I since our first meeting a year ago. Lucky for me Hayden, the drummer and his best friend, and Sabrina had been low key pining over each other through Instagram the whole time, giving us even more reason to keep hanging out.

Saturn जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें