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Shia & Mathew

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Shia & Mathew

Shia & Mathew

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I know he won't heal me,

I know I'll just hurt him.

He can't keep me alive, 

But he can keep me living in this moment.

I don't want to turn him inside out,

Dissect him like a thought,

But it is inevitable.

I'm bound to destroy him,

All while destroying myself.



I have never said the words 'I love you, 

Not once have they ever left my mouth.

I have never felt the warm embrace those words offer.

She is the only one I can bear,

The only thing I'm sure is real.

I feel so heavy from the weight of being a burden.

A weight on their shoulders and my own,

The sadness and anger burn me till I'm a puddle on the floor.

A puddle I hope she can cleanse herself in.


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