When They Say it Doesn't Affect them:

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Climate change, deforestation, and saving humanity and the Earth as a whole are what a lot of people talk about. Some of us... consider it to be boring, an annoyance, or even irrelevant. I see your point of view, but activists, protesters and I - a writer and poet trying to promote positive actions to save our environment - will not stop until we are HEARD. Now I can't speak for everyone, but a lot of people out there listen or read our news and protests but don't try to action it. I am asking for change. PROPER change. And for those wondering what I, am doing, is that I'm leading a team at my school who are engineering a robot that aims to stop or at least slow the rate of deforestation. So my question to you is, what actions are YOU taking? 

We want to be famous and have money

Where every day is perfect and sunny

I'll let me tell you that that's not reality

And blurred is the line of morality

Blinded by trends and new tech

You all need a reality check

Look out the fucking window

It's not some perfect insta photo

There are people starving, people homeless

Raging wars that are simply hopeless

Listen to news about melting ice caps

Or ever-growing pile of rubbish scraps

It affects YOU because it's all unpredictable

And HUMANS will make Earth uninhabitable

It could happen in your generation,

So march in our protests for salvation!

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