Chapter- 1

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My name is Taylor.

Taylor Ruby Valentine. Not that you'd care about what my middle name is. Or even my name in general, but I just thought you'd want to know that information. If you care about that kind of stuff. Which you probably don't.

Just a friendly introduction. Right?

I honestly don't know.

Usually when I try to introduce myself to someone it ends with them telling me to fuck off and kill myself. So I honestly don't know what a good introduction is supposed to be like.

Do I give you my full name, middle name included? My social security? My birthday? My phone password? Heck, all my passwords? Do I give you where I was born? The time of my birth? Because I do know all that stuff. Of course I do, how can you forget the time you were born?

Somebody really needs to explain all this to me one day.

I'm fucking hopeless.

I'm a lost cause as they call me. Apparently I'm not good enough, cool enough, I'm not special. And I believe them.

I'm sure you would start to believe them after 17 and three quarter years of them shouting it in your face. I'm sure you'd believe them all after your parents start saying it along with them.

But that's my life right there.

And I don't care anymore. I just deal with it. Like my very helpful previous therapist sally tells me to do. So helpful indeed. Note the sarcasm.

Fuck sally.



This is just the beginning baybee.

Expect more.

Or DON'T expect more.

Whichever you do I don't care because you're gonna get it either way!


Nah? Ok..

Taylor Valentine (on Hold)Where stories live. Discover now