Chapter- 10

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It's been three weeks since the incident with Rachel happened and she's finally at school again. She still has her cast on her wrist and her crutches.

I still have some sort of minor pity for her. Her cast makes it akward for her to walk with her crutches and it's obvious she still has pains in her side.

But the feeling usually goes away when I remember why her pain was caused.

She came back to school and yet didn't apologize to me yet despite the fact she's sitting next to me in class.

"Hey what ya thinking bout Tay?" Natalia asked beside me poking my side, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing I just zoned out" I said waving it off.

She nodded slowly turning back to her work, but I knew she knew I was lying.

Rachel sat beside me looking at me.

"Need something?" I asked unsure of what she was looking at me for.

She rolled her eyes at me and mumbled somehing before she turned back to her paper. Bitch.

Natalia tapped me on the shoulder pointing at her paper. I knew what she was indicating and I asked her where.

She pointed to a sentence with a lot of W's and M's.

I explained what the words were and how to sound them out silently. She nodded her head understanding and went back to her paper on her own.

The bell rang after a few minutes and we walked off to Lunch.

"Taylor when are you free to hang out? Like go to the mall or something?" She asked adjusting her backpack strap on her shoulder.

"I don't know maybe Tommor-" I was cut off by getting tapped on the shoulder.

It was Rachel.

"Yes?" I asked unable to hide my irritated tone, not wanting to talk to her.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, but I don't regret what I did.. It was fun" she said shrugging leaning down on her crutches smirking at me.

"And I don't regret what I did now go away and don't push it with me, you've done enough" Natalia butted in standing in front of Rachel.

"Nobody was talking to you, faggot" she yelled shouting the last word. This bitch got some nerve. There's only so much I can do to be nice.

Everyone's attention in the hallway turned to us three and the whispers started.

"I may be the 'faggot' but I'm not the girl who tried to rape another girls girlfriend! Make sense? You're a 'faggot' trying to use a girl saying you liked doing it too! That's just fucked up don't you think?" She ranted, I didn't necessarily understand it but I knew what she was trying to say.

"Whatever, I'm not a lesbian I just liked getting with your girlfriend a lot" she 'justified' smirking at Natalia.

"Against her will? See.. This is why I beat your ass" Natalia mumbled out the last part rolling her eyes.

"I got revenge at least right?" She mocked.

"You're so lucky she didn't press charges, you're ass would be dead in jail" Natalia said grabbing my hand.

"Fuck you! I hope you die!" She spat out taking a step towards Natalia. I knew she couldn't do any damage, and she wouldn't try anything, she's a wuss and she's injured.

"Right back at you" Natalia mumbled out.

"I wouldn't wish that upon someone" I said, but Rachel didn't pay any mind.

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