Loopy Bugs

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Toucan Sam sighed while eating Fruity loops without MILK?!? "Hey!" Tony poked the colorful bird. "Wrong time...I don't wanna bathe in Frosted Flakes, it gets in my feathers and scratches my skin." "Oh...so thats why some of my Frosted Flakes tasted like blood..." "YOU EAT THE FROSTED FLAKES THAT WE BATHE IN?!?" "Reuse Frosted Flakes." Tony smirked. "Ew!!!" Toucan Sam flew on Tony the Tiger's and peck him. "Hey! Hey!" Tony Moved away from him and scoffed. A Portal From another world Spat out a purple bug. "What is that?" Tony poked the bug. "Is that a Bug?" Toucan Sam pecked the bug. "Ugh....Where am I?" The purple bug rubbed his head. "What's your name? New cereal mascot?" Toucan Sam smiled. "Uh..Bugbo." "OH! What a great name! Why are you here." Tony growled. "Why are you here?" Bugbo looked into Tony's eyes.

"Please don't fight!" Y/N cried. "ITS YOU!! STOP RUINING EVERYTHING!!!" Tony attacked Y/N while Toucan Sam and Bugbo watched. "I think I'll see you in 2376 bug hours,BYE!" Bugbo ran away. "WAIT!!!" Toucan sam flew after him with tears in his eyes. Why was he crying? He just met the guy but he didn't want him to leave! "GOT YOU!" Toucan Sam grabbed one of Bugbo's arms. "Ok,Ok, you got me!" Bugbo Held his Arms in the air. "Now...WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?" "The question isn't why! It's how!"

~Flashback noises ~

Gradient Joe had made a device that could teleport creatures to other worlds. "Hey Gradient Joe-" Bugbo Fell on Gradient Joe while he was holding the device and well...Bugbo ended up here.

~Flashback over~

"Wow..." Toucan Sam slightly blushed. "Are you Sick? Your face is kinda red." Bugbo grinned wider. "Shut up!"

Toucan Sam x BugboWhere stories live. Discover now