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NAME: Toe Licker, Wanted Dead or alive. Used to be Bugbo's Wife.

 Used to be Bugbo's Wife

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"What a lovely day to be holding hands!" Bugbo smiled at Toucan Sam."Y-Yeah!" THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THERE WAS AN EARTHQUAKE.RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE."What's happening?!" Toucan Sam flew higher in the sky."BUGBO!!! MY HUSBAND!!" Some random neon cat demon crawled out from the ground."TOE LICKER?!? GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Bugbo smacked her."NOOoOoo!!! I LOVE YOU BUGBO!" Toe licker licked Bugbo's toes. Bugbo kicked her in the face so hard that it knocked her out."Oooo a wanted poster with her name on it." Toucan Sam pointed out. "DRAG THE BODY TO THE STATION!" Bugbo yelled.The two ran with the body to some random creature."Where can we drop Toe licker off?" Toucan Sam grinned."Toe licker?! What the hell is a Toe licker?!" They walked away."Wait! Do you know who this is?!" Bugbo held up Toe licker's body."OH!! That one! Go and find a camel like guy and he will take the body off your hands!" The two walked to where the rando pointed and left him alone.

"OH!! That one! Go and find a camel like guy and he will take the body off your hands!" The two walked to where the rando pointed and left him alone

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-After Two Hours of walking-

"Hello!" Bugbo saw the Camel guy right in front of them

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"Hello!" Bugbo saw the Camel guy right in front of them. "Here's your body!" Bugbo dumped the body of Toe licker near the Camel guy."Why thank you! I've been looking all over for her!" The Camel like creature dragged the body behind them."Now Now! You two probably want a prize!" The Camel thing gave them a box."Good luck and Good travels!!!!" The Camel disappeared with the body.

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