Colorful Hats 👹

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Bugbo laid down Next to Toucan Sam in some random field. "I hate you! You stupid bug!"Toucan Sam growled "How rude...I was only being nice." Bugbo picked up a sparkly black and Rainbow tophat with Pictures of ambuguous bugs on it."What is that?" The colorful cereal Toucan Squacked. "Hgh...A Love hat, you give it to somebug you wanna flirt with."Bugbo put the hat on Toucan Sam."You're flirting with me?! You just got here!" Toucan Sam flatten his head feathers with his wing-arms.Toucan Sam blushed at that and covered his face with his wings."I-Is this a date?" The Toucan whispered. "Do you want it to be?" Bugbo's grin widened."HEY!! I...Don't know." Toucan Sam flew up and pecked Bugbo's antennas. "Ouch, this is making feel much pain! I'd like it if you didn't Continue Doing Said action!" Bugbo hissed."I don't like you! I hate you quite a bit! You're probably trying to steal my customers!" Toucan Sam shrieked. "Come on...just give me something to work with!" Bugbo sighed and got up."Wait! Don't go! I-I-I Love you Bugbo!" Bugbo stood and looked back."You love me?" Toucan Sam instantly regretted saying that."I didn't mean it that way! It just came out of my beak!" Bugbo blushed just slightly and kissed Toucan Sam on his forehead. "If you do mean it...I also might have romantic feelings for you,my little Fruit Loop." Bugbo walked back to his temporary home while Toucan Sam still sat in the field. Did he actually mean that? NO NO No...he couldn't of...Could he? While he thought about that damned bug,Tony the Tiger walked up to him.

"T-Tony?" Toucan Sam still had some feelings for Tony but he already knew that he moved on."I saw you with that Bug guy.Are you two dating?" Tony teased him. "What?! Maybe,BUT! That Not the point!" Toucan Sam put all his feathers in order. "I'll be back! I just need to get some Fruit loops! Yeah!" The Colorful Toucan flew off, Leaving Tony wondering why he was wearing a black and Rainbow top hat with pictures of bugs on it.But in the distance a Monster was lurking, WHO COULD IT BE?!?

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