Chapter 11: Welcoming Mandeep

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Scene: Chandigarh airport, afternoon.

The day of reckoning has arrived. Mandeep's flight has landed, and Ashu finds himself at the Chandigarh airport alongside his father, Harjit. Nervous energy courses through him as he watches the passengers disembark. Ashu's heart beats rapidly, a mix of anticipation and anxiety coursing through him.

Harjit: (reassuring) Just be yourself, Ashika. We'll get through this.

Ashu nods, his heart pounding in his chest. Moments later, he spots Mandeep walking towards them, a warm smile on his face.

Harjit: (smiling) Mandeep! It's been so long.

Mandeep: (grinning) Harjit, my friend! How have you been?

As they exchange warm greetings, Ashu stands awkwardly, his stomach churning. He takes a deep breath, reminding himself of the reason behind this charade.

Harjit: (motioning towards Ashu) Mandeep, let me introduce you to my son, I mean daughter, Ashika.

Ashu steps forward, his heart pounding against his ribcage. He smiles nervously, hoping his voice won't betray him.

Ashu: (in a slightly higher voice) Hello, Mandeep ji. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Mandeep looks at Ashu, his eyes narrowing slightly, as if scrutinizing him.

Mandeep: (nodding) Pleasure to meet you too, Ashika.

Ashu's heart skips a beat as he realizes that this is the moment of truth. He's been living as "Ashika" for weeks, trying to blend in, to convince Mandeep of this fabricated identity.

Mandeep: (smiling) Harjit, you have a lovely daughter.

Harjit: (beaming) Thank you, Mandeep ji.

The small talk continues as they make their way to the car. Ashu's mind races, his thoughts a chaotic whirlwind of anxiety and uncertainty.

Ashu: (to himself) Just a little while longer. We can get through this.

In the car, the conversation flows, and Ashu struggles to maintain his "Ashika" persona. He watches Mandeep's reactions carefully, searching for any signs of suspicion.

Mandeep: (turning to Ashu) Ashika, what are your interests?

Ashu takes a deep breath, channelling all his effort into his response.

Ashu: (smiling) I enjoy reading and spending time with my friends, Mandeep ji.

As the car inches closer to their destination,Ashu's heart races. The weight of the charade feels heavier than ever before.He finds himself torn between the truth he's concealed and the image he'sprojected.

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