Chapter 21: Game of Kheer

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Scene: Ashu's home, Day 7.

The seventh day of Mandeep's visit has arrived, and Ashu finds himself approaching the halfway mark of his two-week "exam." As he reflects on the journey so far, he's struck by how much he's learned and adapted.

Ashu: (to himself) Who would've thought I'd become so skilled at walking in heels?

His hip-length hair, which was once a source of frustration, is now something he's learned to manage, even though styling it is still a bit of a challenge. And with practice, he's gained a level of proficiency in applying makeup that's appropriate for his age.

Ashu: (smirking) At least my makeup doesn't look like a disaster anymore.

As Ashu navigates these changes, Mandeep's visit continues to be a mix of exploration and bonding.

Mandeep: (enthusiastic) Ashika, I've been craving some kheer. Can you make some for me?

Ashu: (grinning) Of course, Mandeep ji. I'll whip up a delicious batch for you.

As Ashu prepares the kheer, he's reminded of the journey he's been on.

Gurpreet: (softly) You've come a long way, beta.

Ashu turns to see his mother watching him with a warm smile.

Ashu: (smiling) Yeah, I have. Who would've thought I'd be cooking kheer like this?

He stirs the pot with a sense of determination, his mind reflecting on how far he's come in this journey.

Mandeep: (entering the kitchen) Ashika, it smells amazing in here.

Ashu turns with a smile, his heart warmed by Mandeep's appreciation.

Ashu: (blushing) Thank you, Mandeep ji. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Mandeep's eyes light up as he takes a bite of the kheer, savoring the flavors.

Mandeep: (grinning) This is incredible, Ashika. You've outdone yourself.

Ashu's cheeks turn a shade of pink as he basks in Mandeep's praise. The experience of cooking in his salwar suit—a symbol of his role during these two weeks—feels oddly empowering.

As Ashu continues cooking, Raj enters the house, coincidentally at the same time.

Raj: (raising an eyebrow) Well, well. Look who's in the kitchen.

Ashu turns to see Raj standing there, a teasing grin on his face.

Ashu: (rolling his eyes) Very funny, Raj.

Raj watches Ashu with amusement, a thought crossing his mind that he can't help but cringe at.

Raj: (to himself) It's like he's just missing the sindur to complete the picture of a perfect wife.

Ashu's face turns several shades of red as he tries to suppress a chuckle.

As the kheer is finally ready, Ashu portions some of it into a small container and places it in the refrigerator for his dad.

Mandeep: (playfully) If it weren't for manners, I'd clean that pot with my tongue.

Ashu bursts into laughter, his heart lightened by Mandeep's candidness.

Ashu: (grinning) I'll take that as a compliment.

Raj's eyes twinkle mischievously as he lifts the spoon to his mouth, playfully taking a bite.

Raj: (smirking) Mmm, I must say, Ashika, you've truly outdone yourself.

Ashu: (playfully) You can have my share, I guess.

Raj: What did I do to deserve such a thoughtful girlfriend.

Ashika kicks him on his feet and Raj chuckles and continues to enjoy the kheer, savoring each bite as if it were a prized treat.

After finishing the kheer, Raj reluctantly excuses himself to head home.

Raj: (grinning) Thanks for the treat, Ashika. I'll see you around.

As the day progresses, Ashu's heart swells with a sense of achievement. He's learned to adapt, embrace challenges, and even find humor in the unexpected twists of life

As Raj walks back to his home, a strange thought takes root in his mind—one that he can't shake off.

Raj: (to himself) It's just kheer, and yet... I can't help but think about Ashika as my future wife.

Raj's internal musings catch him by surprise,and he can't help but feel a mix of confusion and intrigue. The charade thatthey've been playing, the unexpected situations—they're all starting to blurthe lines between reality and imagination.

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