raising roy and nikki

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A few weeks went by fast as rj and vern been a very good responsible parents they take turns with one baby to another

Nikki giggle as she hid behind the log outside as rj laughed and looking for her

Verne noticed Nikki immediately as he smiled while holding Roy

Rj found Nikki she giggled as rj picked her up and hugged her tightly and give her kisses on her cheek

The rest of the family watched in awe at their new family then Roy started to fuse and whimper and reaches out to Nikki

Verne: oh you want to play too? Okay let's go to you're daddy and sister Verne said as Verne approach to rj with a huge smile on his face

Rj: hey hon whats up? Rj asked as he sees Roy fussed as he reaches to Nikki

Verne was confused he thought he wanted to play

Rj knew what Roy want he don't want his twin sister separated from him

Rj: hey Verne I know what Roy wants ... let's put both Nikki and Roy down... rj instructed

Vern: okay but what got to do with Roy and Nikki? Verne said as he put Roy down as rj put Nikki down

Rj smiled: just watch rj said as Verne and rj watched Roy crawl to Nikki and hugged his twin tightly then Verne finally realized Roy doesn't want to be separated from his sister

Verne: wow look at that .... but how did you know? Verne asked

Rj smiled: I used to have a twin brother he said we get along just fine like these little ones right there... before my whole family got eaten by the stupid bear rj grumble

Verne look at rj as he feels sorry for him no wonder he needed to survive and payback a bear

Verne patted rj on the shoulder

Verne: well we shouldn't have to worry about the bear no more and if he does come back we will be ready and protect our family Verne said as rj smiled as they kissed as the twins made it up to their dads as they pick them up as they yawn

Rj: looks like they need a nap don't you agree?

Verne noded

As they headed back in the log there was something was watching them

Mystery creature: so my nephew is gay and adopted two children eh? Well he and his new family will perish starting with my nephew bewhaaaaa

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