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What is the right way to explain my creation to a mortal?

Nothing created me.

I made myself.

But humans cannot fathom something made from nothing. Something must cause it, but not with me.

I made myself from the vastness of nothing, just as gods of old mythology have been told to come into existence. I became myself in this Void, a place of darkness that I took as my own.

Immediately, I identified with it. It felt like home. It felt like me.

I became the Void, and the Void became me.

Study and understand this concept, you will need it.

The Void was ever-expanding, but also confined at the same time.

There was nothing for the Void to expand into, so it merely existed as this mass of energy floating about on the verge of non-existence.

It had no place, therefore it could not exist.

My first mission was apparent.

Find a place for the Void to reside within.

I concentrated the Void's power to find a place, any place, in which I could plant roots and make my own. Many worlds flashed before my eyes, but one such world caught my eye.

The world of Sonic the Hedgehog. Its bright colors and simple complexion interested me.

When I investigated further, I found that each zone within this world charmed me. I saw how I could improve it, master it, control it. Yes, this was the one.

With effort, I was able to enter the world, but something was off.

When I tried to interact with my surroundings, my hands went straight through it. When I looked at the world's inhabitants, however, they could easily brush past a flower or land their feet on soft grass. Clearly, I had much to learn, but in my youth, I was eager and hungry for knowledge.

I studied the inhabitants, learned their names in their language, and explored every zone to the very last inch. With every new discovery, I felt closer and closer to meeting my goal.

One of these discoveries was actually a moment of self-discovery. The reason why the natives could interact with their surroundings was because they had physicality. They had
form. I, who was made of complete energy at the time, had no form. I needed physicality.

I needed a body to withdraw into, just like how the Void needs a place to hold its existence.

I needed a vessel. I first tried making my
own. and I did so by condensing the Void's energy into a state where it became solid, and it worked. somewhat. The vessel turned out goo-like, and I was dissatisfied. No, no, this isn't how I want to look. I remember thinking to myself.

I want to look like that hedgehog creature. And that's when it hit me.

I want to be like that hedgehog... never mind making a vessel, I can become the hedgehog!

I had envied him since the day I first saw him, and I enjoyed him the most.

He was so quick and confident in his own strength, which I knew to be very little compared to the obstacles he faced.

It was not his brute strength, but his skill that got him through his life. No matter what this strange human creature threw at him, he was able to take it down, even if it meant scraping past by the tips of his dashing blue quills. I had often imagined myself in his place, doing what he was doing in my own way. I no longer had to imagine: the power had been mine all along. I can become the thing I so ardently desired!

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