Chapter 1 Girl, Victim and A Talk

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Who is that-


I know her!

The real question is why she's here.

Time to get answers.

Lord X: What are doing in my world you mortal demon?

Maybe I should have been a bit more clear and not too harsh since she seems to have been... on the run? Not sure what the funk happened to her, but I have a feeling something happened.

Not like I can understand how she feels since she wasn't abused like I was back in my old life before I became my creation.

Girl: Sorry I didn't know this was your world-


GF: 'Scared' EEP!

Okay, so we have an unwanted guest here and I think this was the one who's supposedly after her.

I ain't exactly sure if she will listen to me, but I guess it's worth a shot.

If it doesn't work I'll throw her in Mazin's world since he is the only one I can really talk to without bothering me or making fun of me since I hate being called old.

Do I really seem that old?

If it was by logical reasons and just living for however long I've been around them it would makes sense to think like that, but I am still young.

I had to let Alan go since I was already done being the villain and I wanted to do something else. Alan's soul is in heaven and Tails passed on as well as Knuckles and Eggman since they are gone as well.

That aside I better make her go hide before he arrives.

Lord X: Go hide in the house and lock the door. I'll take care of this idiot that's scaring you, so much.

As she ran into the house and locked the door she also had to hide cause of what I was going to do to the one who was after her.

If I can get a good look at who caused her to be in that state I should be able to blow off some steam and a lot of rage I had built up FOR YEARS and also let loose as I need to calm myself.

In the distance I saw DD which confirms my suspicion of me saying the he for the individual pronoun and I didn't really care about that.

Lord X: "Video Down Below"

His pathetic attempts of doing this will be his down fall.

I know what you did DD.

I know you haven't learned your lesson and stopped while you should since your daughter needs to be able to handle some of these situations themselves and surprisingly she can.

I looked through a few timelines and it turns out even if you did nothing she was gonna be number one out there.

Too bad you messed up your chances of leaving here alive.

Lord X: Show me your actually serious and not all bark.

I had a microphone in my hand and he pulled his out as well.

Multiple Girlfriends OG Plot [GF Harem X Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now