Sickness in Love (Pt1)

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Sadly, you've caught a virus of some sort..

[P/N]- Partner's Name

You got sick somehow, probably from one of your friends. You felt so ill, you couldn't even get out of bed. At some point, you heard your partner, [P/N] coming home from some sort of work event. They yell out for you from downstairs, calling your name. You try to answer, your mouth moving, but not a single sound came from it.

[P/N] races up the stairs, bursting into your shared bedroom in a worried and panicked state. "Oh god.. [Y/N].." They sigh, breathing heavily as they walked over to your still body. "I thought you were... Are you okay?.." They ask you, moving the hair from your face.

You were sweating bullets, your face was pale and as soon as [P/N]'s hand touched your cheek, their eyes widened. "You're burning up, [Y/N]!!!" They say, sitting on the bed, right next to you. Finally, you bring yourself to speak, sitting up a little. "I think i caught something.. from one of my friends or.. i have no idea.." You croak out, your voice quiet. [P/N] sighs, "Lay back down, I'll get you some water and then I'll help you take a bath, okay love?" they say to you, smiling softly as their hand caressed your cheek ever so gently.

[P/N] absolutely adored you, even if it meant they might also get sick, they still wanted to take care of you. You just nod in response, laying back down and shutting your eyes.

After awhile, you wake up to the sound of a running bath. Drowsily, you pull yourself off of the bed and look around the dimly-lit room, spotting a glass of cold water with ice cubes in it. You take a few sips, feeling a little bit better afterwards. The cold water brought down your temperature ever so slightly.

You groan, rubbing your eyes and yawning, exiting your bedroom and heading down the hall. There was a light coming from the open bathroom door. You walk in to see [P/N] stopping the bath, dipping their hand in the water to make sure it wasn't too hot or too cold. You smile and lean against the doorway, your eyelids half shut.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep.." You mutter, glancing at the bathtub. [P/N] shakes their head, sighing, "Hey.. Don't apologize darling, you're sick. You need rest." They reassure you, standing up and taking your hand, helping you undress and get into the bathtub.

The water was nice and warm, and [P/N] even put bubbles in it to help you relax. You lean back into the tub, embracing the warmth of the water and the bubbles that surrounded you, closing your eyes. "Shall i stay here?" [P/N] asks, caressing your cheek.

You nod and smile softly, "Please do." [P/N] smiles. They reach behind you, grabbing shampoo and putting some in their hands, massaging your scalp gently but thoroughly. You lean into their hands, letting them wash your hair.

After a minute or two of that, they grab the shower head and turn it on, rinsing the shampoo from your hair. Once they finish, [P/N] grabs the bottle of conditioner and repeats the process.

You were enjoying this, enjoying being taken care of while you were sick, enjoying the feeling of knowing that [P/N] truly meant it when they told you they'd always be there for you. You felt a little bad, knowing that there was a 50/50 chance of you getting [P/N] sick as well, but you knew that [P/N] didn't care, as long as you felt better in the end.

(Pt2 Coming up!!!)

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