Clintasha-the children in SHIELD

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Summary: The Avengers kids are in SHIELD, The Avengers know Steve and Tony are married and adopted two kids but don't know Natasha and Clint are married with three kids who are the 'leaders' of their group.

"Avengers we need you to come to SHIELD the kids are causing a mess, mostly Venna, Katya and Nikolas, Hill managed to calm them down and herd them to the kids of SHIELD room" said Fury, making Natasha and Clint tense. Venna, Katya and Nikolas were they're kids. The Avengers sighed and walked to SHIELD were Hill directed them to the room all the kids were in. The room had a kitchen, several bathrooms and bedrooms along with 6 arm chairs, all the kids had lain claim to the ones that fit their parents personalities and favourite colours.

There was Katy sitting in a green arm chair reading a book on Gamma radiation she's Bruce and Betty's daughter, Katy grew up with her mother because her parents divorced for her protection from the hulk but she was close to her father. Katy was let off because all she was doing was reading, Bruce pulled up another chair and sat with his daughter and the two spoke about Gamma.

In the red arm chair was Andrew he was the adopted son of Tony and Steve, beside him in the golden chair was his twin sister Andrea, both looked exhausted. Tony and Steve looked at each other before walking over to their kids.

Natasha and Clint's eyes went to Katya in the black arm chair beside her in the purple arm chair was Nikolas and in the deep red one beside him was Venna. The assassins walked over to the kitchen followed by Venna the three had a conversation in BSL.

Tony looked at the BSL conversation in interest.

When Andrea spoke up "Venna's, Natasha's daughter" this caused the room to fall silent and the assassins to look at the Rogers-Stark girl oddly before eyeing Venna who was glaring at Andrea, who just shot her the signature Stark smirk. Venna went to attack her only for her wrist to be caught by Clint.

"Control yourself Моя бабочка" Venna seemed to deflate after that.

"How do you know?" Natasha asked keeping a close eye on Katya and Nikolas. "It's obvious, she acts like you so does Katya." said Andrea shrugging "plus Venna means butterfly and you have a butterfly tattoo on your wrist with her name written on in Greek, I did learn Greek" said Andrea "mm and Barton has the same tattoo, plus you both have two other ones, one on your neck that says Katya also in Greek which is surprising considering it's a Russian name, and you've got Nikolas tattooed on your ankles" said Andrea pointing out Natasha and Clint's wrist, neck and ankle tattoos.

Natasha and Clint looked around the room, Katy and Bruce were staring at them, Tony and Steve's jaws were practically on the floor and Hill was smirking in the door way. 

"We've been married since 2002" said Natasha shrugging. Andrew flicked up a holographic screen and went to Venna's file, he didn't have access to much information but he had access to her age and name.


DOB: 2002

Parents: Redacted

Level: Redacted

Citizenship: American, redacted, redacted.

"Before or after Ven's birth?" asked Andrew, "after" the assassins answered making coffee, Natasha pulled up another holographic screen and edited her kids files.


Venna Romanoff-Barton

DOB: June 12th 2002

Parents: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton.

Level: 8

Citizenship: American, Russian, German


Katya Romanoff-Barton

DOB: January 9th 2003

Parents: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton.

Level: 8

Citizenship: American, Russian, German


Nikolas Romanoff-Barton

DOB: January 9th 2003

Parents: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton.

Level: 8

Citizenship: American, Russian, German


Andrew looked shocked "you three are level eight, the rest of us are like three." "Natasha and Clint are ten, and unlike you lot their kids received the right training and grew up here" said Maria. "Wait you've got German citizenship?" asked Andrea sliding the holographic screen towards her. "Dad's German" said Nikolas, eyes went to Clint who just nodded. "We also lived in Germany till I was 4" said Venna.

The five left when Natasha turned to Venna "how did Andrea know?" "I told her" said Venna shrugging. "Why?" Clint asked, Venna didn't answer and so Katya did "they're dating" she said turning around to face her parents while walking backwards. "KATYA!" Venna screamed and chased her sister while Clint, Natasha and Nikolas just watched in amusement, Natasha and Clint has their suspicions of Venna and Andrea.

(BSL is British sign language and because I'm from the UK so that's what I'm using. But I live in Australia.) 

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