Clintasha-He's dead

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Summary: Clint dies during the battle of New York leaving his widow (Natasha) and the other Avengers to face their grief, Natasha still has dreams of his death. Implied Stony.

Natasha walked the streets of New York the aliens kept coming, when she saw one on the roof with Clint out of arrows, he tries to fight the alien put gets pushed off the roof, Natasha screams and breaks down when she sees his body land causing Tony and Steve go over. Their face told Natasha everything.

Natasha wakes up screaming in Stark tower, JARVIS alerts Steve, Tony and Pepper who go running to Natasha's room, they find her on the bed in a fetal position, it's been a few months and the others though they didn't know Clint they did grieve but Natasha's known him longest and it'll take her more time or at least that's what Pepper tells herself. 

"Natasha?" asked Pepper sitting on the bed beside Nat, who uncurls and looks at the woman she'd formed a bond with "he's dead" she whispered softly, Pepper nodded sadly and Natasha curls up again.

"Nat?" asked Steve trying to get her attention only to be glared daggers from Natasha. "So no nickname than" said Tony.

Steve and Tony leave with Pepper the three unsure what to do.

~~~~The next day~~~~

Natasha got dressed the next day wearing the arrow necklace Clint gave her on the eve of their wedding after a cold silent morning with Natasha she finally spoke "I'm going out" she spoke more coldly and emotionless than anyone had ever heard.

A few hours later Nick Fury with a woman walked in surprising the Avengers "Where's Natasha?" asked the woman.

"We're not sure she left a few hours ago" said Pepper.

The woman smiled ruefully.

"She's leaving earlier and earlier now" said the woman.

"Who are you?" asked Tony.

"I'm Katy, Nat's a friend." said Katy.

Tony observed Katy a bit closer, she had Clint's facial features but green eyes.

"Stark stop watching her like that" came the cold voice of Natasha Romanoff.

Tony backed down not wanting to anger the assassin. Katy looked at Natasha having a silent conversation, Natasha shook her head, Tony could see tears in her eyes.

"Who is she?" asked Steve.

"Katy" answered Natasha.

Katy and Natasha left, leaving four very curious Avengers and one curious Pepper.

"We're following  them" said Steve with his husband agreeing.

"Steve, Tony" said Pepper warningly.

"Come on Pepper you're as curious as us" whined Tony. It was true Tony knew how to read his sister figure like a book. Pepper finally relented, Steve and Tony were the first one's out the door, Pepper and Fury were last. "Nick the address please" said Stark. "Don't call me Nick" "he'll keep doing until you give him Natasha's address."

After some more jesting from Tony, Fury gave in, a few minutes into the ride Steve asked "why doesn't Natasha like being called Nat? I mean last night I called her that to get her attention and she glared daggers at me" Fury went ridged "I might as well tell you because Natasha given up on having a normal day. Clint used to call Natasha "Nat" always had done since he saved her" said Fury.

"Saved her?" asked Pepper suddenly interested and looking up from her phone. "Natasha Romanoff was a Russian assassin whom you don't cross, Rogers you were lucky she only glared daggers at you and not thrown real ones, Natasha was an elite assassin who could everyone and anyone, the world security council had made her a threat to the human race, so I sent Clint to take her out, he couldn't do it instead he saved, I was pissed but eventually came round. Clint was the only agent Natasha trusted enough, he started calling her "Nat" in Budapest along with another couple nicknames" said Fury.

Everyone was silent.

When JARVIS spoke "we're here sir" The Avengers, Pepper and Fury stepped out it was a penthouse "I forgot to mention Natasha and Clint are paid handsomely for their work at SHIELD which got higher when they were Avengers" said Fury seeing the Avengers and Pepper's shock. They walked in past the security guard who wasn't about to stop the Avengers and their friends.

The group walked into a lift and walked to the front door, it was unlocked so Tony opened it, Fury and Pepper began to berate him when Katy walked up to them.

Katy sighed "of course, Nat your friends and boss are here" Natasha walked in carrying a baby, at least 8 months old.

"That's a baby" spluttered Pepper, "my son Jake" Natasha sighed and gestured for more people to come out, a ten year old girl appeared and two five year olds.

"The oldest is Venna, then Katya and Nikolas they're twins and Jake the youngest."

"Father?" asked Steve.

Katy rolled her eyes "my brother, my deceased brother"

"You're Barton's sister aren't you?" asked Tony, Katy looked surprised he knew that but nodded.

"I was 18 when I joined SHIELD, Clint and I married a year later, Venna was born 8 months later, in 2007 we had the twins, and eight months ago Jake was born, I was three months pregnant with him when Clint died, I named him Jake cause that's the name Clint and I had planned. I wanted to name him Clint but Venna reminded me that's not what Clint would want." said Natasha.

The Avengers and Pepper were shocked more so when Venna and the twins hugged Fury, Natasha gave them a tour and felt like a weight had been lifted.

A/N: Katy and Jake are mentioned in my Marvel x Harry Potter story.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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