Chapter 2: The Saving

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It was time for the Christmas ball in Westover high. Everyone went nuts. Percy, Nico and Bianca however stayed together. Grover an kid that walked funny, he had brown hair an Cap on, he was wearing normal clothes and everything but when he laughed it was like he bleached like a goat. He always kept an eye on the three. But tonight he came in to gym with two girls and an boy. One girl had Blond princess curly hair, grey eyes, she had an orange t-shirt on with camp Half-Blood on it and jeans. The other girl had black hair, electric blue eyes, she was wearing a death to barbie t-shirt and jeans. Than the boy looked exactly like Poseidon in Nico and Percy's game. He had Raven black hair, sea green eyes, an bit of a tan he was wearing a blue shirt and jeans.

Nico and Percy were talking about their game together while Bianca was talking to a few other students. Grover and the new three kids were seen going around and acting like they belonged. After a long while the vice principal Dr. Thorn, took the three siblings away. They were in an hallway when thorn said "don't go anywhere don't move or say anything!" he went into hiding. The boy came and said "you alright?" he didn't seem to notice how they were scared, before finally noticing it was to late am spike of thorn launched into his shoulder. "James Jackson. Nice of you to join us" Thorn said.

Before Bianca knew it they were in an clearing in the woods. The boy -James- was looking over an cliff. "jump save your self" thorn said. Percy heard his older sister whisper "okay he's nuts what's going on" he was wondering to. James said "we have to jump". "your nuts to" Bianca said. Before anything else could be said an invisible force slammed into the four. Thorn was confused and that gave Thalia and Grover time to jump in the battle.

After a few minutes of battling, an arrow was shot and an group of girls were seen. "premission to kill, m'lady" an girl with auborn hair asked. "no that's impossible derect interverence it's against the ancient laws!" Thorn yelled confusing the Di'angelo's. "that's where your wrong. The hunt on wild creatures is in my domain, and you are an foul wild creature, Zoë premission granded" an younger girl said walking forwards. "if I can't have them alive no one can't!" thorn charged at Thalia and James but Annabeth yelled "no!" and jumped on his back the Huntresses shot and thorn together with Annabeth fell off the cliff.

"set up camp, help the wounded" the same girl said. "okay what is going on?" Bianca asked. Percy and Nico were both kinda scared but amazed that they saw the menticore.

A few hours later Bianca took Percy and Nico aside. "Percy, Nico we need to talk" she said. "sure what's up?" Nico asked. "I joined Artemis and the Huntresses." she said boldly. "cool! Can we join to?" the twins asked at the same time. "no do you remember what Artemis is known for?" Bianca asked. "yes for the hunt, moon and hatred for men…" Percy said. "your leaving us?" the two said together looking and sounding sad. "not completely I can still visit" Bianca said but Percy and Nico didn't want to hear it and went to the others when Apollo arrived.

Percy Was crying during the ride to Camp Half-Blood. He was hurt that his sister was leaving him and Nico but happy that she was happy. Nico to was sad and crying slightly. Apollo, James, Thalia and Grover felt bad for the boys when they arrived not as safely as expected the two were taken to the hermes cabin while the Huntresses went to the Artemis cabin.

A/N: first I want to thank BadGirlWriter4Life for the idea for the name of the son of Poseidon and replacement for Percy as child of the prophecy. Second I want to say that I am going to make an A/N chapter for the voting of who Percy should date on this book it's not going to be a straight ship.

Percy Di'angelo: Nico's twinWhere stories live. Discover now