New Life in Jakoku

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It did not take long for them to reach Jakoku, and they settled in the sloped town of Enbizaka, with Shiro and Postman getting a job.

As per usual, Shiro accompanied Nemesis to the doctor every time. Enbizaka was already used to having diversity, and so did not pay them much attention, or try to speak with them.

And as usual, Lich cooked and everybody called him 'Mother', causing him to erupt into an emotional flame and Eater trying his best to calm him down, while Shiro and the rest watched with amusement.

And as usual, they went to their beds at night and slept, and as usual woke up the next morning.

And as usual, worrying about how they would be found.


He sat quietly in his room, thinking about Shiro.

How could I be so stupid not to realise it?

He frowned, just a little, and sighed.

Whatever way, he was still going to help them.

"What could you be thinking about that has you frowning, my dear Bruno?" Hale moved closer and asked amusedly.

"Only about how Shiro and the others haven't been caught yet," He quickly improvised, his facing showing no signs of betraying his thoughts.

"Oh, we all are. But really, aren't you curious, too, what Gallerian would do to them after they're caught?"

Bruno frowned, more deeply than the last time.

"So, Bruno, what do you think his sentence is?"

Bruno jerked his head around, surprised.

"Oh, Bruno. I see you've been thinking so hard you haven't noticed me... is it really just Gallerian's happiness you're thinking about?"

Ma sat in a corner, puffing on her pipe.

"Gallerian has already decided what he will do with them when he catches them," she said quietly, as Bruno tensed.

"A death sentence."

Bruno's eyes widened.

"But they're his best agents. Can he really replace them?"

"My, my, Bruno. I thought you would have learnt this a long time ago. Everyone here in PN is replaceable. Themis is. You are. Even I am." She smiled, her eyes looking far away, as she put down the pipe.


The family was now just like any other family, with a tall man (why's his skin so white?), the pregnant wife (she looks the most sane here), another couple with a big fat man (how does he even fit in that tiny house?) and a white-haired "Sister Clarith" (she even speaks like the one in the textbooks!), the blonde daughter (this one never speaks) and the blackhead son (looks like a dangerous prisoner, but eh) and a purplish-blue Ziz-Tiama (that the Beelzenian immigrants looked at with hungry eyes).

Nemesis sat outside the house on that sunny day, knitting clothes for her baby, while staring at the temple on the hill.

I wonder why there's a lady's head on the wall...

She'd once accidentally told her neighbour that her last name was "Sudou", and she'd started squealing and pointed to the head, but then her mother came over and dragged the excited girl away, coldly telling Nemesis they "didn't talk about it."

I wonder...


"Time to eat!" Jorn exclaimed happily, poking his head out.

Postman got up almost emotionlessly and helped Nemesis to get up from where she was while Eater arranged the chairs, Seth slithered out of his tank for some food, leaving a watery trail behind, and at once, the whole family gathered to begin the meal, and everyone started to talk of Shiro's and Postman's job. Shiro was a waitress at the takoyaki shop, and Postman was, well, a postman.

Without a doubt, Nemesis loved her family, even if they could be weird at times. And as she drank the soup Lich had made over the small fireplace and caressed her belly, Ziz-san slid up to her.

You love them, huh?


I... hope things stay this way, Ziz-san.

Me too, Nemesis.

And she glanced up the hill. The pink hair of the head swayed in the wind, and glimmered just a little.

A Baby in Pere Noel (translated version)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat