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Now everyone stared at the pink- eyed beauty in front of them.

"As I said, get out. Now."

He tried to move closer, but was soon confronted by the muzzle of Shiro's gun. She didn't speak the entire time, but the gun did enough talking.

"Shiro, please. Stop getting tricked. I. Am. Lich."

Postman stared confusedly at both souls.





See, Nemesis? I told you.


"DAMN IT! I AM LICH!" He was starting to get impatient with his family, but really, he reminded himself, they're just ordinary, non- magic folk. They can't see through the witch that easily.

And thus, being the calm fellow Lich was, he pinched himself irritatedly, and blood fell from the slender finger onto the floor.

But even as he fumed, anyone could see it was a losing battle.

"As you see, Ma, you can go out right here~" The door was politely swung open, and Lich flared again.

Can they not tell? Only Ma would speak like that-

The blood continued to drip onto the floor steadily, forming a small pool.


"I'm telling you, I AM LICH!"


Lich's body smirked.

"Bye bye~"


"I believe him."

Someone stood up, and Lich's eyes widened.

"What? What's happened?" Bruno confronted the Elphe holding her daughter, "Ma, have you done something to her?"

Lich's body also reached out to stroke Nemesis' head, but got the white hand forcefully slapped away by a frightened and very triggered Nemesis.

"Remember when I told you about what I saw in the cellar? That is Lich, don't you see?" Nemesis demanded, backing away from "Lich" unconsciously and shielding her baby.

At that moment, little Kayo, as if on cue, stretched out her tiny hands towards the spirit body, no, Ma's body.

And "Ma" smiled back at her, and opened her arms too.

"Hello, little Kayo," he said, as Nemesis placed her baby in the arms of her mother's body.

And for a moment, everything was peaceful like that, with Kayo reaching out to grab Lich's hair and everyone staring calmly at the two.

Hey, Gumilia, you see, I can take care of them all right.


"There is no doubt now," Jorm marvelled, softly, after a few seconds.

Shiro ran up, with her gun, and pointed it at Ma's head.

"D-die! Die!"

Ma looked a little shocked, but turned to leave quickly, knowing that there was no way to reverse the turned tables.

Shiro, dear, since when did you become so... defiant?

But Lich stood in front of her even more defiantly.

"Give me back my body," He held out his hand, like trying to persuade a child to give back a toy she'd taken.

"Not until you give me what I want," She glanced at the pool of blood that wouldn't stop trickling down, "And I see you've damaged the body. What a pity..."

"Give it!" Lich shouted, reaching out to shake her.

But Ma, now having the strength of a man, easily brushed her old body away.

Then she turned, as if remembering something.

"You injured "Kayo Sudou", didn't you?" She put a finger into her mouth, and a cracking sound ensued, as a now purple finger was lifted out of the mouth.


Waving an oddly bent finger, she disappeared into the air, just a second too late for Shiro's bullet to touch her.


"Well... at least we can better... camouflage... with it...?"

All heads turned to Nemesis again.

"Well... Eater and Lich could look like a couple. Shiro could be like Lich's sister or something-? Bruno, Bruno, well. Maybe Eater's brother? I could be... Lich's daughter, and Postman could be my younger sister. Jorm, he could be some random relative!"

Everyone nodded, except Postman.

"Umm... maybe it would be better to tell people she's a bit deaf..." Shiro put her gun down slowly.

Everyone nodded, except Postman.


"He escaped? HE ESCAPED?"

"Yes, yes, but it doesn't matter."


"Oh, you know I have my ways."

"And you still have Lich's body, why didn't you give it to him?"

"Well, darling, since I can live with it and he can't, he'll probably start begging for it back sooner or later," Ma blew the dust off the pipe and lit it, smiling.

"You'll ruin his body with that before he can come," Gallerian sulked, but returned to being serious, "I know you, Ma, so lay your cards out: what do you want in return?"

"Alright, here's my deal. I get my daughter, granddaughter, and servant. And in return you get Michelle," She took a long puff of the pipe.

"Deal." His face was serious.

She smiled, again.

A Baby in Pere Noel (translated version)Where stories live. Discover now