Unmasking the Deception

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A few weeks passed, but Nemesis couldn't get what she saw out of her head.

And she wasn't the only one either. She knew for a fact that Eater and Shiro, maybe Jorm, could already sense the difference in atmosphere.

"Breakfast, everybody," Nemesis watched strangely as he dished out the pancakes quietly, maybe a little too quietly, while a wooden crib almost in a dilapidated state rocked beside her.


She couldn't call on Ziz-san in times like this. Sure, he warned her about potential dangers, was friendly with her, but he strangely wasn't interested in anything else, and Nemesis was sure he was faking to be asleep when she asked for help.

Ah, well, I can do it myself-

But the moment she saw the uncomfortable green eyes staring helplessly at her mother, Nemesis knew she had to act fast.

She slid over to the table-

Too late.

"Oh, what a beautiful girl," Lich caressed the baby in his arms, seemingly able to have guessed Nemesis' actions.

But was that just her imagination, or did the Elphe baby look slightly uncomfortable with her familiar "Uncle Lich"?


They ate quietly, but Nemesis couldn't stop staring at the tall white-skinned man. And for obvious reasons.

Suddenly, after what she saw that night, everything Lich did was just so-


Nemesis, don't deny it. You know it's that witch.



This time, it was Nemesis who pretended to be asleep.


"Well, I'll lay it out plainly because I'm sure everyone knows," Bruno put his hands together, "Lich is behaving strangely."

Eater nodded slowly and sadly, and everyone understood.

"Kayo also seems uncomfortable around him now, don't you think?" Nemesis prompted, nudging Postman.

But she simply stared at the mouldy wall in front of her.

"See...?" Nemesis sighed, "That's what I'm worried about."

Everyone sighed too. It was true, what Nemesis had observed. Postman was indeed becoming less responsive.

But a smile crept up Jorm's face.

"Nemesis... you don't say," He smirked, "You do sound like you know why she's behaving like this, huh..."

The others suddenly snapped up and leaned in closer.

"Tell us," They seemed to say at the same time.


"...And Postman was Ma's servant, and well... there was no contract or anything saying she was free. So I think..."

"She may have been reverting back to her old self, upon seeing her old master."

Shiro squeezed her gun tighter.

"But, I mean, we can't just stomp into the cellar and free Lich, you know. There might be... guards."

Her statement was met with unnatural silence, because everybody knew it was true.


"Ma" looked to the door cautiously from time to time, while slowly prying open the thick ropes.

Slowly, melting them using his spirit powers while trying to summon the glass.



The body swiftly moved towards the glass, pocketing it in one move.

And as he was going to move off, the long black hair caught in his face, blinding him temporarily.

And in another ten seconds, the rope that once restrained the Jakokuese body was now messily securing the hair.

Then without thinking much, the jacket was also torn out in heat and pockets were emptied.

A thud of the wooden pipe.

I hope no one heard that, he thought, already halfway across the hallways.


Serving food to the gang, "Lich's sharp ears picked up a sound no one else heard.

Could it be-

Shaking it off, he smiled and piled trauben and bread onto the plates, smiling and speaking.

"Today I want to take all of you to a place," Lich smiled eerily.

Everyone turned to look at him, but Lich only continued piling the thankfully edible food onto the plates.


Everyone preferred not to respond to that, but continued picking at the round little balls of trauben. This made Lich very pleased.

It was just like he thought.

"Come on, let's go~"

When everyone dragged their feet tiredly to the door, Lich opened the door smilingly. But then they saw.

The messy black hair knotted carelessly, the scratched sleeves of the once beautiful blue kimono, and a burning rage in the pink eyes that glowed like an enraged crow.

"Did I not tell you to stay away, witch?"

Nemesis' eyes widened.

A Baby in Pere Noel (translated version)Where stories live. Discover now