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Woman: My name is Alice. I worked for the Umbrella Corporation, the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world. I was head of security at a secret high-tech facility called 'The Hive' a giant underground laboratory developing experimental viral weaponry. But there was an incident. A virus escaped and everybody died. Trouble was..........they didn't stay dead. The T-Virus reanimated their bodies. But I survived. Myself and one environmentalist named Matt. When we emerged, we were seized by Umbrella Scientists. Two in particular; William Birkin (Once known in England's magical society as James Potter) and Alexander Isaacs. Matt and I were separated.      

Start of Flashback

William: He's mutating. I want him in the 'NEMESIS' Program.

Alice: MATT! 

Isaacs: Take her to the Raccoon City Facility and assemble the team. We're reopening The Hive. i want to know what went on down there.  

End of Flashback 

Alice: We thought we'd survived the horror. But we were wrong. 

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