Incorrect quotes 2

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do yall like the throne of glass book series??????

im on book two.  friggin good.  


ame: i've been standing here for like ten minutes lemme see what you drew!

hawaii: but... *sigh* *hands drawing to ame* 

the drawing: 

(yall that took me 5+ hours to draw so u better compliment the heck out if it )

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(yall that took me 5+ hours to draw so u better compliment the heck out if it )

russia: *looks over shoulder to see*

. . .

ame: IS THAT ME?? *stifling laughter*

*russia shaking while tryna not laugh*

hawaii: aw...

ame: nO- NO! *kicks russia out of the room* NO IT'S NICE! IT'S SO NICE!!!! awh~ where were yOU during portrait time!!!!  i've never looked better!!!! *shaking*

hawaii: *points to russia in the other room laugh his head off*well why is daddy laughing?

ame: HE DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING ANYWAY..  thats- that's how you say that's a great drawing in french-


australia: *comes out of the bathroom hopping*

young new zeleand: why are are you hopping??

australia: i peed on my foot

young new zealand: AWWH--- *Disgusted*. WHY DID YOU PEE ON YOUR FOOT?

australia: i wasn't paying attention

young new zealand: WHY NOT??

australia: *turning on the sink * i was picking a hair out of my nose


australia: welcome to being a teenager kid. *sticks his foot in the sink*

young new zealand: WHAT'RE YOU DOING NOW???

australia: what's it look like?? i'm washing the pee off my foot.

young new zealand: BUT THAT'S THE LAUNDRY SINK

australia: SO?


australia: well it is now.  

young new zealand: *SHRIEK*

lol my friends made me watch bluey )


ame: *at the head of the table* hEY GUYS PAY ATTENTION TO ME~ FLORIDA NO-

florida: *leaps across the table to tackle new york*

ame: .... you disobeyed me when i specifically asked you not too???  i can't do this anymore.  

("You cheated on my when I specifically asked you not to???  

-Michael Scott


young kazakhstan: dad! i got my first period

ussr: that's silly, boys don't get periods. 

young kazakhstan: ... then why is there blood coming out of my a$$?

russia: *spits out water* *looks at belarus* it's probably the gerbil we put up there-

ussr: the f***ing what?


wisconsin: look, *points to a cookie* that one looks like a heart.  that's how i feel about you! *to michigan*

michigan: *starts sobbing*

wisconsin: *to ohio, points to michigan* and that one looks like michigan.  that's how i feel about you.  

ohio: ... what's that supposed to mean-


(sometime in the like 1600s)

france: WHAT. THE. F*** WAS THAT, BRITAIN? *slams hands down on the table* 

britain: *walks up to the table holding a peice of paper* THAT. WAS THE SOUND, OF A F***ING DIVORCE. *slams hands on table and looks at france* 

the end. i'll have more 

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