Hi everyone! Hope you are doing well and that you're all healthy and safe! ❤️‍🩹

Todays chapter will have a focus on y/ns character (this time a bit more focused on one direction so there won't be much space to imagine things UNLESS you've experienced it, then I'm truly sorry but welcome to the club..)

(In case it gets convoluted)

Overview of this chapter:

Y/n is being harassed by her ex and Kit doesn't know much about the ex, and he overhears a phone call between y/n and the ex as he comes back home and y/n has the speaker on.

A slight⚠️ TW ⚠️too in case you're sensitive to profanity and just toxicity from a loved one this might not be suitable for you. To save your mental health I'd recommend to skip this one.

I'll come clean and say that this one is more to just vent, because of my experiences so in technicality this may not count as an official chapter but take it as you will.

Okay I think that's all from me for now, let's begin!🌹


"Does fish&chips sound good or do we want something else for dinner?" Kit asked as he was looking through the menu of one of the restaurants in an app.

"Yeah it's cool. I haven't had it in quite a long time to be honest with you." I answered with a dreamy look on my face.

"Great! I'll order it and go pick it up since it's like....4 minutes away from us." Kit added and as I went to the kitchen to grab us cutlery and glasses to drink, both of us noticed my phone blowing up with messages.

"Okay, that's been happening for the past week or even two. Is a fan, well clearly a fake one, harassing you? If so just say one word and I'll deal with it." He said but I grabbed the phone before he even reached the kitchen counter where the device resided.

"Nah, it's just Messenger having major problems and sending me old responses again and again. It should be fine soon probably." I said and with a look at Kit I went past him and placed the stuff I grabbed on the table in front of the tv.

I could sense that Kit was suspicious of my response but before he could ask about it, I cut right into his words.

"Would you be so kind and go to the shops and get us some fresh fruits so that I can make some juice for us? I've just realized we ran out of most of them." I pointed at the almost empty fruit bowl we owned. He didn't answer me verbally but his eyes said more than words ever could. I could see him touching his chest, possibly trying to reassure himself and then he grabbed his keys and went out of the flat.

I sighed loudly and plumped onto the chair that Kit sat in beforehand and placed my face into my hands. Opening my phone I noticed the 27 messages and 6 missed calls from my recent ex.

He started being confrontational and aggressive ever since me and Kit were spotted several times on dates or just on the streets. I did, I believe, one of the stupidest things and clicked on my exes name which caused the screen to change into the call screen.

A few seconds of a stressful wait later I was met with a irritated sigh and silence on the other line.

"Why can't you just leave me alone huh?" I started with a tone that would hopefully give out that I'm not scared at all of him.

Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now