1. I'll Be Whatever You Want

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This was the third "suitable" teenage boy Penelope Blossom had tried to set her 16-year-old daughter up within 6 months. It was all about appearances to the newly widowed woman. Plus, Cheryl was the only heir to take over the family's dynasty and she had to have a picture-perfect facade to show the world.

Cheryl put on a fake smile at the large dining room table as the boy's family talked him up. They bragged endlessly about his academic and athletic achievements as he gloated and smirked at Cheryl. The red-haired teen girl wasn't impressed in the least. She was annoyed and anxiously tapping nude Louboutin heel under the mahogany table, pushing her chef-cooked meal around her plate.

"You hear that Cheryl? Nicholas is captain of the football team in his Senior year. That's very impressive. My girl Cheryl here is the head cheerleader of the River Vixens. If that isn't a perfect match then I don't know what is?" Penelope finished with the most uppity giggle ever heard.

"Yes, Mumsy. That is impressive" Cheryl responded with the driest attempt of excitement.

"What colleges do you have your eye on young man? Or are you planning on stepping right into your father's footsteps after you graduate?" Penelope inquired.

"Well, Ma'am," Nick politely set up in his chair seeming to be fully engaged in the conversation. "My parents and I want me to continue my education. I plan to go into business management and I've already applied to four Ivy League schools, but the one I've got my heart on is Yale."

"That's great Nicholas, Cheryl has her eye on Highsmith. All the Blossom women went there for many generations," Penelope responded and Cheryl nodded with a quick hum. She hadn't gotten much of a word in the whole dinner, but she wasn't up much for conversing anyway.

Cheryl couldn't understand why her mother was so hellbent on her finding a boyfriend. She was 16 after all and had so many years left to think about marriage and children to continue the family's name.

Yes, they were Riverdale royalty, but they weren't 16th-century royals. In the 2020's a woman doesn't need a man by her side to run an empire. Her mother's thinking was so outdated and none of the teen's convincing could change that, no matter how hard she tried. Cheryl had gotten to the point where she'd just deal with her mother's antics and await the day she turned 18. Then she could move a few states away for college.

She had it all planned out. Once she turns 21 and graduates from college the family company will be hers as well as her multimillion-dollar trust fund.

Now once again she agreed to go on a few dates with another teen boy to appease her mother, make an excuse as to why they didn't mesh well, and then move on with her life.

The dreadful dinner was finally over. Cheryl and her mother walked the St. Claire family to the door and bid them farewell before closing and locking it behind them.

Cheryl then was on her way up to her room to call her best friend Veronica. She wanted to tell her all about this new guy, but her mom stopped her when one four-inch heel hit the first step.

"Cheryl dear."

"Yes, Mumsy" She turned around trying her best not to roll her eyes.

"What did you think about Nicholas?"

"He was okay. A bit pretentious." She said quickly.

"Cheryl, please give him a try. His family is the wealthiest in Greendale. Think of the generational wealth if our family's companies were to merge."

"I'll try, but you know your type for me isn't mine." Cheryl frowned.

"Cheryl your type isn't suitable for our society." Penelope snapped back
"You do what you want secretly, behind closed doors, but think about your family first. We have a reputation to uphold"
Penelope spoke with purpose.

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