5. Too Good To Be True

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It had been a few days since Cheryl and Toni had seen each other, but that hadn't meant they didn't speak. On the contrary, they spoke every day since hanging out the second time at the Wyrm.

They texted, mostly, but one night they had a long video chat until Cheryl fell asleep not wanting to end their conversation, but exhaustion had taken over.

Toni tried to let her go to get the sleep she evidently needed. But Cheryl mumbled she wasn't sleepy as she yawned and her eyes flickered open and closed. Toni's voice being so soothing to the redhead had her in a deep slumber.

Toni continued to speak and noticed Cheryl was quiet and her breathing was steady and audible. She looked at her screen for a while watching her sleeping soundly and smiled to herself.

'She's so adorable' Toni thought to herself.
"Sweet dreams" she whispered before closing her computer.

Saturday and Sunday night it was radio silence from Toni. Cheryl had hoped that after almost a week of talking in some form every day, this wasn't it for their new companionship.
She assumed Toni was busy with work and getting ready for the new school year. So she tried her best to push the negative thoughts down.

Now it was Monday morning, the first day of school. Cheryl picked up Veronica and the brunette convinced her to also pick up Betty. Betty and Veronica were close, but Cheryl kept her at arm's length as she did with pretty much everyone else. She wasn't antisocial by choice.
It was all out of fear of people learning her true sexuality and it being the talk of Riverdale. If her mother found out her closeted daughter was revealed to the town it would be the end of her.

Veronica, Cheryl, and Betty walked into the school as other students tried to catch a subtle glance at the trio. With Cheryl and Veronica being used to the stares and being the topic of teenage gossip, they paid them no mind. Betty did not and looked around self-consciously, pulling the sleeves of her shirt into her hands and ducking her head down.

They walked down the long main hallway and headed to the gymnasium where multiple long tables were set up with members of school staff sitting behind them.
Each table had a sign on the front stating where to line up if the first letter of your last name was with the letters on the sign.

"When you guys get your schedules meet me in the lounge"
Veronica walked toward the end being her last name was Lodge.
Cheryl Blossom and Betty Cooper ended up in line at the same table.

They had an awkward bump into an old acquaintance, Archie Andrews.

"Uh, Hi ladies" Archie fumbled his words while scratching the back of his neck. Not making eye contact with the red-haired boy, Veronica nodded. Cheryl just rolled her eyes and reluctantly greeted him with the given name he hated, "Archibald".

Why was it awkward? Well, in Sophmore year Archie was dating Betty who thought they were exclusive, and he began to date Veronica behind her back months into the relationship.
Typical fuck boy, jock of Riverdale High.

Fortunately, the situation wasn't all bad because both girls bonded over heartbreak and he was probably the reason both Betty and Veronica ended up with guys vastly different from the football player and they treated them much better.

After Cheryl and Betty got their schedules they walked down the hall toward the lounge while comparing what classes they had together. Upon arriving at the door of the lounge they spotted Veronica standing outside of it with a huge grin on her face.

"What's with the shit-eating grin Veronica? Did you get out of PE this semester?" Cheryl joked dryly.

"No, but you're not going to believe who the new Riverdale High recruits. Betty, I think you'll be pleased" the raven-haired girl said pulling her by the hand into the lounge.
Betty looked back at Cheryl with wide eyes as she was yanked only for Cheryl to shrug and follow in behind the two.

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