6. Jumped The Gun

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Toni decided to follow the sound of tapping heels on the hard-tiled floors. Just as she suspected she saw her strutting to an unknown destination. Cheryl pushed her way into one of the bathrooms. Checking her signature red lipstick in the mirror, opened her purse, and took out the tube to reapply when she heard the door swinging open.

"So, you're really going to act like you don't know me, Cheryl?" Toni crossed her arms and curled up an eyebrow while she stood behind her. She looked at Cheryl's reflection in the mirror.

"I'm not acting like anything, Toni," She said in short.

"Did I do something?" Toni responded with concern as Cheryl turned around to face her. Toni dropped her arms from her defensive stance. "Look, I get it. You never expected me to show up at your school, but I promise your secret is..."

"Shhh, You hush!" Cheryl's eyes almost popped out of her head afraid for Toni to finish her sentence and out her.
Cheryl started to push the doors open to each stall. Once she was satisfied that no one was in there with them she stood in front of Toni again.

"Please don't bring that up here, okay?"

"Okay, I won't." Toni put up two fingers. "Serpents honor"

Cheryl rolled her eyes at the gesture but saw the sincerity in the shorter girl's eyes.  She finally took a breath and relaxed.
"You could've called or texted me. Gave me some sort of warning."

"I wanted to surprise you when I found that me Jug, and Sweet Pea were all assigned here. I thought you'd be happy I got transferred here. I guess I was wrong." Toni had a sad expression on her face and it affected Cheryl to see.

Cheryl's features softened and so did her voice. "No, I am happy you're here Toni. It's just, I don't know how we could hang out without it being... weird."

"Why would it be weird?" Toni asked confused.

"Let's be real. We're like unlikely animal friends seen in YouTube videos" Cheryl chuckled and Toni laughed.

"True" She smiles. "But, so what?"

Your girlfriend probably wouldn't
be too pleased either." Cheryl said as a matter of fact.

"What? I'm not seeing anyone." Toni furrowed her eyebrows.

"That girl in class and at the lunch table next to you?"

Toni burst into laughter once again while waving her hand in the air and shaking her head.
"That's just Peaches, she's been one of my best friends since she moved next door to my grandparents when we were around 12. "

"Oh," Cheryl nodded feeling a bit embarrassed by her accusation.

The bathroom door then swung open and the trendy Veronica walked in.
"Oh, good you guys met." The two girls nodded as Veronica went into a stall.
"I'm having a gathering at the Pembrooke tonight at 7 o'clock. You both are invited obvs."

"I'm down" Toni agreed while looking at Cheryl silently begging her to come also.

"I'll be there Veronica" The redhead looked at her new friend smiling at her and it was so infectious she couldn't help but smile back.

"Well, I have to get going so I can find my next class. Uh, Cheryl, could you help me out?"

"No, Problem" Cheryl and Toni started walking out of the bathroom while Veronica yelled out that she'd see them both later.

"See, our friends have mutual friends so it's not so unlikely that we'd hang out." Toni lightly elbowed Cheryl as they walked down the hall.

"I guess you're right." Cheryl grinned. "Let me see your schedule so I can get you to your next class."

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