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this is before they have Kayla and Skylar. It's sort of a prologue!

I promise, tomorrow there WILL be Kayla and Skylar!! <3 ;)



"I can't believe we're getting married," Sophie said, mostly to herself. 

The shock of his proposal was still stuck to her with full elastic force. She'd never expected to be getting married to Keefe Sencen. Keefe Sencen.

"I can't believe it either," he mumbled, kissing the crown of her head softly. "I can't believe I'm getting married to the love of my life."

Sophie looked up at him, grinning from ear to ear as she asked, "I'm the love of your life?"

"Of course," he said, sounding almost surprised. "You have been for ages. Almost eighteen years now."

Sophie tilted up on her toes so she could kiss him.

"I think you're making me go insane," he said, his voice rough.

"What do you mean?" Sophie asked, confused.

"This," he said, gesturing to her whole body dramatically with both hands. "you're too pretty for me."

Sophie laughed. She could feel her cheeks burn. "I don't know if it's possible to be too pretty,"

"Well," Keefe said leaning closer to her. "When it comes to you it certainly is possible."


"OH. MY. SPARKLES!!" The exclamation came from Biana. She was standing in the doorway, staring wide-eyed at Sophie's dress. "You're so pretty!!"

"I know," Sophie mumbled, staring at her feet, which were currently hidden by the flowy white skirt of her wedding dress. 

The veil made it a bit difficult to see anything, but she could see Biana's face as she wandered closer and grabbed Sophie's hands gently.

"You're always gorgeous," Biana said, smiling as she pulled Sophie into a tight hug. 

"I'm so happy for you two," she whispered into Sophie's ear before she pulled away and left so Edaline and Grady could come in.


Sophie felt stiff, nervous, fidgety. 

The only thing keeping her from tripping over herself, falling flat on her face, and embarrassing herself was Grady's and Edaline's firm grips on either of her forearms. 

She kept her eyes on the floor as she walked.

Her parents let go of her arms when they got to the front of the room. She dared to glance up and nearly fell over for real.

Her fiancé looked like a god. A king. The most gorgeous man ever.

She honestly couldn't believe he was hers. Her soon-to-be-husband.

He grabbed both her hands. Her heart went crazy.

It all happened so fast. And before she knew it, she was in his arms, his lips were on hers, making her head spin a little.

His ice-blue eyes were on fire as the crowd went insane.

She was the slightest bit dizzy, from the intensity of the kiss, but she didn't care. 

She was married to Keefe Sencen. 

That was the only thing that mattered as he pressed his lips to her forehead before pulling back.

 He grinned almost wickedly as he held onto her, keeping her steady; almost like he could feel that she was dizzy. 

He probably could, since he was an empath.


"Wow," Sophie said as she grabbed a piece of Mallowmelt. 

The gooey cake dripped into her open palm as she tried miserably to keep her perfect white dress clean. 

"Will the shock of this day ever leave me?" she asked Keefe, mouth now full of a bite of dessert.

"I think it'll go away once you get used to seeing this face,"—he gestured to his handsome features— "every day, next to you in bed."

Sophie laughed. "I'll never get used to you," she said, smiling.
He wrapped an arm around her nearly bare shoulders.

"Hey," someone said, Sophie looked over. Dex was standing there, looking about ready to explode from excitement. "I haven't seen you all day," he said.

Keefe grinned. "it's nice to see you too, Dexy,"

"Could you please stop calling me that?" Dex asked, narrowing his eyes sharply at Keefe. "I'm not thirteen anymore."

"Nah, you'll always be small," Keefe countered, smirking.

Sophie reached out her hand to stop Dex from coming back at it. "I love your outfit. Have you asked Biana yet?" she asked, winking at him with the last part.

Dex's face reddened. "Not yet," he hissed. "I'm nervous about it."

"You should," Keefe said. "it's how you get the girl for real." He squeezed Sophie's shoulders with his arm.

"What are you guys talking about?" Biana asked. Perfect timing.

"N-nothing!" Dex said, his face redder than a tomato.

"I heard my name, and the word 'propose,'" Biana said, narrowing her eyes at Dex.

"It was part of a different conversation," Keefe said. "We were talking about how excited you were that I'd proposed."

Dex nodded, forcing a smile. "Keefe's right,"

Biana leaned up on her toes and kissed Dex's cheek. "Aww," she said. "I was getting excited."

Dex and Keefe locked eyes.

"What?" Biana asked. "Why did you two give each other that look?"

"Nothing, again, just something between me and Keefe. Don't worry." Dex said, still staring Keefe in the eye.


Keefe released a long sigh as he slumped down onto the couch. 

He patted the spot next to him, inviting her to sit down next to him. "I have to change," she said, glaring at her poofy dress. "I don't want to ruin this thing."

She ran upstairs before Keefe could ask any more questions and changed out of the dress, pulling on a pair of pajama pants and a loose-fitting T-shirt. 

It felt refreshing to change out of tighter clothes and into looser ones.

She hung up the dress carefully in her brand-new closet and quickly wandered downstairs.

Keefe smirked, staring at her as he asked, "You really didn't like that dress."

Sophie blushed. "No, I didn't hate it, I just had it on for a long time. I was ready to be out of it for the day."

"Whatever," Keefe said, stretching his arms out in an invitation. "Come here," he said. "I want to hold you."

Sophie reluctantly moved over and curled up into his side, wrapping her arms around him.

She was finally home.


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