Night 1 - Part 3: First Night

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Miles POV:

10PM: Fazclaire's Nightclub

I arrive at the Nightclub at exactly 10PM sharp. Gotta make a good impression y'know? Make sure I was the right choice the job.

Miles: "So, Frenni said to either go through the frontdoor, or the back-door with a security code. I don't have the code so I guess I'll go through the front door." I say quite confidently.

I then open the front door to the Nightclub. I'm greeted to alarms and red flashing lights as I enter the Nightclub. "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" Says the speakers in the Nightclub.

Miles: "I-I'm not an intruder!" I say quite nervous and afraid for what happens next.

Suddenly, to my surprise, the alarms, flashing lights and automated voice recording all stop at once.

I look up in confusion and with quite a surprised face.

Miles: "H-huh? Why'd it stop?" I say to myself.

Suddenly, a familiar voice I recognise from earlier calls out to me.

???: "Hey, Miles! Over here!" They shout out to me.

I squint and focus my eyes on the person or thing calling my name.


After about 15 seconds, I think I know who it is.

Miles: "C-Chiku? Is that you?" I say not 100% sure with my verdict.

Chiku: "Yep! It's me! Hey... You actually came back for the night! Usually, some of the other guards quit before the nightshift even starts due to Frenni's warnings about Fexa... I gotta admit, even she scares me!" Chiku says with a cute giggle at the end.

I then wonder to myself, "Who's Fexa?" I thought.

Miles: "Really? Wow... I guess I'm just really enthusiastic to work here huh!" I say quite jokingly to Chiku.

Chiku lets out another cute giggle.

Chiku: "Yeah! I suppose your right Miles! I look forward to meeting you tonight~! Real... up close and personal~" Chiku says teasingly and a tiny bit seductively to me.

I blush a little bit at Chiku's tone of voice change.

Miles: "Yeah, maybe I'll see you tonight again Chiku!" I say laughing a little bit.

Chiku then laughs a bit with me aswell. Somehow, it's cute aswell.

Chiku: "Well... I should go back to the kitchen... Seeya later Miles~!" Chiku says giving a cute wave and walking away back to the kitchen.

I notice Chiku's quite... large and thick backside. I turn my head away as I notice instantly.

I then begin to walk to the security office trying to forget what just happened with Me and Chiku's... cake.
10:05PM: Fazclaire's Nightclub Security Office

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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