Police Report

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It hadn't been that long ago since it happened, working with Interpol and seeing child report cases reminded Guile of Bonita. He couldn't help but wonder what she was up to. Yes, they hadn't talked much but the things she did say had his attention for a period. He did his best to push the feeling aside, realizing he had to focus on the main objectives at hand.

Today was all about filing reports and looking over them before submission. He knew he would be able to finish pretty quickly but he always had a habit of needing to double check his work. Everything seemed to be going to plan, until a sudden knock was at the office door, it was Charlie.

Guile looked up from his paperwork and gestured to him to come in "Is there something you need, Charlie?" he noticed his expression was rather nervous, almost guilty.

"Let's just say this new case is a little too familiar..." He uttered, handing a folder to Guile that contained some photographs and a small report that still needed information. Guile raised a brow, unsure what he meant with that at first. That was until he looked inside.

The first few photos were of the victim in question, her face wasn't shown, only her torso and legs. Injuries ranged from second degree bruising and a few cigarette burns. Guile felt his chest tighten, the girl in question seemed quite young. Going to the next set of photos and the little information the report contained, Charlie's words connected. It was Bonita.

"Where is Bonita right now?" Guile asked.

"She's currently in the lobby. She was in the hospital for her injuries a few hours ago but she didn't want to stay there for long."

"It's best we bring her in for questioning then. Based on the report, you currently have her guardian in custody?"

Charlie nodded "Yes, we already questioned her but that didn't lead to much. We're currently waiting for a warrant to investigate their residence. I'll bring the kid in."

Guile waited as Charlie went to bring Bonita to his office. He felt his heart ache seeing her again. It was hard not to feel bad for the kid. She hid a little behind Charlie, peaking over to see him. She had been crying a lot recently.

"Don't worry, just sit down across Guile." Charlie whispered to Bonita "We just need to ask some questions, okay? I'll leave you two alone." He waved a gesture to Guile and exited the room.

Silence filled the room for a moment, and Guile knew he couldn't let that continue. He tried to keep his tone soft and gentle, concern was evident in his expression. "Tell me everything that happened, I'm all ears."

Bonita avoided eye contact and shook my head, I-I'm scared.." she admitted.

"It's okay, you're safe here." He whispered softly. "Now tell me who did this to you...please." he paused, waiting patiently for an answer.

"My stepmom..."

His eyes widened slightly "Why would she do something like this?" his tone became more concerned, he wasn't sure why somebody would be so cruel to her own daughter.

"Since you dropped me off, she had gotten mad that I got your attention...an Interpol officer...she didn't like that.."

Guile frowned, listening to everything she had to say. He could see why her mother would be upset, but that didn't make this okay. He didn't know what to say, he never imagined he would encounter something like this. Sure he investigated terrible crimes, but it was uncommon to involve children. But here he was, with a young girl who had been physically abused by someone she should have been able to trust. "Hey," he said softly to get her to look at him.

Bonita swallowed dryly and looked up at him, struggling to keep eye contact.

"It's not your fault, okay? You didn't deserve what she did to you." His voice is full of empathy. Guile knew that what she had done was inexcusable, and there was no way to make it okay. He tried to think of a way to trust him more, a way to encourage her to speak up. He could tell she was still nervous. Knowing if he pushed too hard would make things worse, he took a deep breath, knowing that it was best to give her space. He needed to let her process everything that had happened, and allow her to feel safe and secure. "I'm sorry," he said softly, "I know it's hard to talk about."

Guile and BonitaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ