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Morning came soon enough, and Guile made plans. He didn't have to go to work today, so what better time than to teach Bonita some self defense? When Guile mentioned it as they ate breakfast, Bonita seemed excited to see what they could do.

After some light stretches, he had decided to see what she could do by herself. Watching from a small distance, Bonita grunted as she punched into the sandbag he had in his training room. It was a bit obvious from her small stature that she wasn't used to these kinds of actions. Her wrists quickly grew sore, Guile noticed her technique wasn't exactly the best either. He wanted to fix that. "Hold on, watch what I'm doing and try to follow." He instructed "Keep in mind that this isn't the only way to throw a punch. I just need you to develop a good technique first."

He had Bonita watch him hit the sandbag a few times before allowing her to try again. He noticed how hesitant she seemed. "Don't worry," he reassured you gently, "Just keep practicing until you feel comfortable enough to throw without hesitation."

From punching to blocking, Guile watched as she slowly got the hang of it. Perhaps he could teach her a few kicks too. He decided to try something else first- "Okay, good. Now try punching me!"

Bonita's eyes widened as he looked back at him "Eh-?? Are you sure?"

He laughed lightly "Of course!" he replied confidently "It'll be fine! Come on now, give it a shot!" he encouraged her, stepping forward towards her with his arms open. He made this first hit easy.

Hesitating for a second, she soon punched against his chest. The force behind the blow wasn't strong enough to hurt him as he remained still. Bonita looked up at him with an uncertain look on her face, relief soon washed over as Guile looked down at her with a smile. "Good job!" he praised enthusiastically "Keep trying though!" He encouraged her, moving closer to help guide her hand through the motions needed to hit him correctly. He wanted to at least teach her to knock a person off their feet.

He demonstrated a few kicks to Bonita, showing her where the best spots on the body were to aim for and giving tips on how to do it most effectively. After some time spent working together, he finally had her doing basic attacks perfectly. Bonita swung her leg against the sandbag and struck it hard enough to have the weight move in response. "There we go, you're getting somewhere!"

Bonita smiled as she felt determined, Guile couldn't deny she seemed like a fast learner. Part of him felt prideful as he noticed her determination. He decided to continue "How about we try something a little more complex," he suggested, demonstrating a series of moves that linked together seamlessly "Can you copy what I'm doing?"

Bonita just started uncertain. Guile repeated his actions and then looked over to her. Bonita made an attempt, and she began to copy him.

As they both made a turn and did a kick, Bonita gasped and smiled. She laughed a bit as she realized she managed to do that. It felt a bit exciting.

Guile smiled and gave an approving nod "Alright, how about we end it with a small match?" he offered. Bonita nodded. "Good, We can work on dodging then." He backed up a bit and got into stance. Bonita copied his pose, making Guile chuckle a bit. Sure enough she could one day have some new moves of her own.

Guile made sure to go easy, allowing Bonita to take the first move. Guile kept dodging, throughout the arrangement he would offer words of advice. "Remember, don't rely solely on your punches, use your kicks too! They can be just as effective!" He encouraged her as she continued to struggle to land a hit on him. Bonita knew she needed to get a bit faster. After all Guile was a pretty big guy in comparison, but he seemed to predict her moves.

Bonita swung her leg across him, almost hitting him for a second but he backed up. She tried again, that time Guile grabbed her leg and threw her back a bit, causing her to stumble. As good as it seemed that Bonita could mimic him, Guile kind of knew what to expect then. At least...that was until she managed to mimic another move from him suddenly. "There ya go, keep up the momentum!" he cheered as she was getting the hang of it.

Bonita smiled as sweat began to form. She took a breath before attempting again. This time Guile tried to hit back, Bonita's eyes widened as managed to dodge. While Guile was most likely not even going to fully land the hit, it still caused Bonita to panic. In her state of panic she managed to move behind him and she stuck. Guile's eyes widened as he stumbled forward, Bonita had punched his lower back. He did feel something there.

Turning to face her, Bonita froze up as she wondered if she did something wrong. Guile raised a brow before laughing. "You had me there! You probably should've kept going though." He ruffled her hair a bit. Bonita soon smiled and hugged him. "How far can we go in a training session until it's an actual fight though?"

Guile hugged her back "Good question. Think of it like this. When you or another person's life is on the line, then you go all out. Once the person is down, you stop. Don't beat a person any further than necessary." he advised.

Bonita nodded and agreed. Guile decided to call it for the day. "Alright now, go ahead and shower. We can get a few groceries to make the roast once we're all cleaned up."

Oh right, the roast! Bonita thought. "Yes Sir!" She was about to hurry out of the training room but she halted. "Oh...uh hey Guile..?"

Guile looked over to her "Yes?"

"Thank you for the lesson. I had quite a bit of fun with that.." she smiled before running off again. Guile just stood there, once again a sense of pride filled him. He laughed a bit and soon left the room as well to get ready.

Guile and BonitaWhere stories live. Discover now