When you left.

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(3769 words)

September 28th 2011

'Hey you lot.' You greeted the team, joining them in the waiting room.

'What are you doing out of your room?' Hotch asked, as Emily rushed towards you.

'They're letting me go.' You told him.

'With two broken ribs and a nose that's just been put back into place?' Morgan asked. 'I don't think so.'

'They don't have enough beds for me.' You told him. 'And besides, I'm fine. They've got me on some killer painkillers. I feel like I'm on cloud nine right about now.'

'I can't believe that.' Rossi scoffed.

'Did you get your ears checked out?' Emily asked.

'Yeah, no burst eardrum, thank god.' You explained. 'They just told me not to go anywhere that's too loud or wear headphones for a while, which is a real bummer.'

Emily couldn't help but laugh a little at your flippant comments.

'Right, let's get you home then kiddo.' Morgan said, standing from his seat and lowering his shoulders down to you so you could wrap your arm around him.

'I can walk, you know.' You reminded him.

'Baby... you just managed to save thirty one people.' He said, flicking his head back to look at you as he spoke. 'You're getting the full princess treatment today.'

'Oh well in that case...' you said, wrapping your arms around him, 'does that mean you'll give me neck rubs each morning instead?'

Yourself, Emily and Morgan made your way out of the waiting room giggling together as the rest of the team followed behind.

Emily drove you back to work first, Hotch needing your statements done as quickly as possible before he planned on sending you home for a few days off.

'I am so annoyed at you Y/n Y/l/n!' Garcia exclaimed as she marched into the bullpen to meet you all. 'I can't believe you'd put my precious friend in danger like that!'

She pulled you into a hug, carefully avoiding your ribs as she clung to you.

'It's all good now, Pen.' You assured her as you pulled away.

'Never do that to us again, do you hear me!' She ordered, pointing her finger at you aggressively.

'Okay.' You agreed, smiling at her as you watched her face grow warmer at your reply. 'How did you lot manage to pull off taking Diamond and Duncan down anyway?' You asked in the others' direction.

'Well once that window was broken, we had all the access we needed.' Morgan said.

'We were just waiting for our chance to get a visual.' JJ continued.

'Diamond caught me pulling hostages out.' Emily admitted. 'He pointed his gun at me which was enough for one of the roof snipers to get a shot in at his hands.'

'As soon as Diamond was wounded, we took a chance and moved in, taking down both Diamond and Duncan.' Reid explained.

'Damn.' You remarked.

'We make a good team.' JJ smiled.

'Y/n?' Hotch said, joining you all in the bullpen. 'A word?'

'Not sure Hotch would agree with that.' You said quietly towards Emily, as you handed her your bag and walked over to Hotch.

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