All of me.

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this is the second to last chapter! i've just written the first chapter of the new story and i can't wait for you all to read it!

(3274 words)

30th October 2011

'Y/n,' Myers greeted you. 'it's good to see you.'

'You too.' You smiled at her as you stepped past her and into her office.

'So, we obviously need to talk about yesterday.' She said as you both got settled in your seats.

'Yesterday?' You asked, worried she already knew what you were planning on telling her.

'Doctor Walker?' She reminded you. 'Your doctors appointment?'

You froze for a second.

Shit shit shit. What day is it?

You pulled out your phone and checked the date, realising you'd completely forgotten your appointment.

How the fuck did I forget?

'I get the impression you didn't mean to miss it.' Myers said as your eyes lingered on your phone.

You looked up, your eyes still wide as you suddenly felt thrown off guard.

'I'm so sorry, it wasn't intentional!' You exclaimed.

'It's okay.' Myers assured you, sensing your anxiety. 'Just, it might be an idea to give Doctor Walker a call after our session and let her know. I had a very worried call from her yesterday.'

You looked back down at your phone and pulled up your missed calls to find several from the doctors.

What the fuck am I doing? How did I miss this?

'Y/n?' Myers tried to catch your attention. 'Are you with me?'

'Sorry.' You said, locking your phone and turning it upside down on the chair next to you as you tried not to ignore yet another medical professional. 'I just completely forgot.'

'I understand that now, thank you for letting me know.' She said. 'Was something going on for you yesterday? Is that why you forgot?'

You looked at her as all the things you'd rehearsed in your head before your session flashed back into your memory.

I've let myself get too distracted.

'Y/n?' Myers asked as you drifted off for a second.

'I'm sorry.' You said, exhaling as you looked down for a second, trying to collect yourself. 'I've just been distracted. It's what I came to tell you, actually.'

'Okay.' Myers said, waiting for you to explain.

'This is actually our last session together.' You admitted, looking up cautiously at her.

Myers tilted her head questioningly as her mind searched for a reason.

'Y/n...' She said, a hint of warning in her voice.

'No, it's not like that.' You clarified, realising she must have thought you were giving up on recovery. 'We're moving away.'

'You are?' Myers asked, her eyebrows pulled in. 'You and Emily?'

'Yeah.' You replied. 'London.'

'You didn't mention this in our last session just a few days ago?' She reminded you.

'I know, it's all been very quick.' You explained. 'We only decided two days ago.'

Myers fell silent for a second as she took a deep breath, trying to figure out the best way to find out what she was missing here.

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