Chapter 1

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(TW: Death, Description of gore, divorce)

It's been 3 years since Jeans High school was changed for the worse, and when I say that I don't mean it in the sense of the whole school going insane. It was one student, one student who made life miserable for any student who witnessed any of them. Unfortunately I saw all of them.
I'm Jackson Smith, the only witness of all of the murders. I don't know how or why I witnessed any, but I did. But the murder cases went cold and we never found out who the killer was, but I have a good idea. But I should tell you about the first murder.
Ricky and his best friend Marty, who went insane. It was January 28TH, Ricky and Marty were trying to be funny and go to a kids park late late at night. I saw some, green aura and Marty started to act oddly. Then Marty looked at Ricky and proceeded to bite his arm, bite it and take flesh off. Leading Ricky to bleed incredibly, then Marty tore his left arm off. They were best friends why would Marty do this? Well the funny thing is it's not Marty's fault, or so I believe.
So back to the green aura, that has to have something to do with it but I don't know how to explain it. But it was like a fog, and it was coming from a single direction. It looks a lot like something I saw at school on the first day, it came from Exer Campbell.
He's a student In my grade and he was the and I quote "Hot guy" in our school, with his best friend David miller. They were also friends with the Russian transfer student, Ronald Novikov. Exer and David went missing, and Ronald was a victim. But David and Exer going missing just doesn't sound reasonable. Reason being they were the popular kids in school who everyone loved, girls would always swoon over them and squeal when they waved to them. There life was perfect or so I thought.
David's Homelife wasn't great. His father was a really bad person, So him and his mom got divorced. Then David lived with his dad and his twin sister Brenda with there mom, William (David's dad) kicked him out soon before the first murder, after the first murder Exer went missing and there still missing as of three whole years. But enough of me talking about them let's get back to the murder.
How Marty killed his best friend was odd because they were always goofing off with each other and always making jokes. Marty never had a motive to kill his best friend, the green aura must've had something to with turning him insane. He's in a mental hospital now, living his life in a room with no emotion. I'm thinking of trying to visit him if it's anyway possible to try to get his take on the situation, until then I'm gonna look into the other murders and put in what I saw with what the police stated. But that's all I have to say today, I think the second death was Norman but I'm gonna check back at that. Anyways have a great day/night bad thank you for your time!

Paola Batalla for creating JD!

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