~ •Prologue• ~

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Macchiato pulled the dead body into a dark and unknown alleyway, she made sure to clean up the blood trail every 2 minutes to avoid suspicions and evidence of her. After she pulled the body to the end, she immediately poured gasoline on the corpse. "Am so sorry, but this is revenge, Karma." (Look the body and her had some beef) She chuckled and turn on the lighter. "Good night, sweetie!" She said sweetly before lighting  up the gasoline, burning the corpse.

She saw a figure in the distance, the light was hitting Macchiato's body bright enough to show her bloody figure. She smirked and tilt her head. "Aiya.. And I thought nobody followed me here! Let's see who you are.." She ran towards the figure and immediately covered their mouth, she looks down to see a familiar face. "Oh my, what a rare opportunity to meet you, Irish! I thought I would never see you again after you left home for college.. You grown so much!" She said happily.

"M-Macchiato?.. Why is your face so bloody?"

"Seems like your still the blind Irish I know, didn't you see a corpse in front of me, while I was holding gasoline?" She smiled sadistically.

"I..- Your killing people? But why?!" Irish yelled in shock, but her mouth was covered by Macchiato's hand. "Shhh, you can attract unwanted attention.. But since you know about my identity, maybe you can be my next victim!" She said happy.
"Macchiato, why are you-" "personal reasons." Macchiato interrupted, with a scowl on her face.

She held the knife up high and stabbed her in A instant, not giving her a chance to speak. She sighed and pulled the body towards the fire and burned her alive. "Another day, another slay!" (Like literally..)

(The drawing/style depends on my laziness or movtation lol sorry 😭😭)

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(The drawing/style depends on my laziness or movtation lol sorry 😭😭)

"All of this for that little detective.. I should do something more than killing, it can attract the detective's attention even more. Hmmm.. Should I pretend to be a new worker there? That way, it's much easier to spy and look at him.. What a genius.."

           Did Macchiato do like what she said?
     Or did something changed her mind?

           What should be the next chapter

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