Suggestions Please, and Current Plans

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ANYWHO, the main thing for this is stating the one-shots I have planned at the moment that I will write in the future. If you have any suggestions, let me know, I'll attempt them!


Kiyotaka's Passions (Mini-Series)

Ancient Rarities, Kiyopon! (Mini-Series)

Landlady (Mini Series)Solo Kiyo (Mini-Series)

Konosaku (Mini-Series)

World's End, Horny Koji! (Mini-Series)

Death March: Kiyo's Parallel World Rhapsody (Mini Series)

Gartenbent To Kiyone Rosen Saga (Mini Series)

Kiyo Plays Minecraft...?! (Mini Series)

Asterisk War Kiyo (Mini Series)

A Duo's Investigations (Mini Series) - Ayanokoji Assassin Reccomended~

Moonlit Fantasy - Fallen Masterpiece (Mini Series)

Kiyo No. 8 (Mini Series)

Anymore suggestions on short crossovers?

I have Overload, Mato Seihei, and Zero Believer I plan to do a full series on, although either or might be converted to a mini-series if I am not wanting to stay on it for so long.

Stand-alone oneshots

🍋  Evil Shamed 😋

🍋 Gali and Celestial 😳

🍋 Kiyotaka Mashes Slime

🍋 Kiyotaka Negs Kokichi... In Bed.

🍋Futa Kiyone - Locker Room Ravager

🍋 Hornykoji - Strawberry Pool Sex

🍋 Hornykoji - Dicked Down Suzu

🍋 Quirky Animatronics - Gangbanged Female Nightguard

🍋 Breeding Of Hiyori

🍋 Who Needs A Cane When You Got A Third Leg?

COTE Trauma - Dragon Boy's Fight

COTE Trauma - A Gyaru's Mettle

COTE Trauma - Two Faced Battle 

COTE Trauma - Nagumo's Stitches


Once again, let me know your needs. I will not remove any from this list btw, teehee~. ALSOOOOOO, these are my ideas but it's not like i copyright it~. Anyone is free to use them if they so please and add a spin to them, I don't mind more creativity in the fandom! Just refrain from copying verbatim of course, no one likes that yep yep.


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