Chapter 2

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After Mikey introduced M/N and F/N to his brothers friends plus his brother they thought that M/N was a little boy who was calm,shy,sweet,and a innocent boy.Oh how wrong they were wrong,when they first met him he was such a sweet little boy but since they have gotten way more closer then when the had first met they had started to realize that he was a total demon!What happened to the sweet and shy boy had been knew before? It's like he had been replaced by a demon the rather the way he was before,when they started looking at him more they saw some scars on his body? And a little on his sister but they just had said they were very clumsy.Both of then knowing what would happen if they said it was there father.

M/N's scars

F/N's scars

A/N:M/N fr be taking the abuse like yuzaha🤭//

After getting closer for some weeks Mikey and Baji decided to let M/N and F/N meet their friends, M/N was excited while F/N was wondering how they look.

When they got there they saw 4 others, Mikey straight up dragged them to his friend while M/N was low-key cussing him out saying that he needs to let go because it hurts like a bitch.

The four others introduced themselves as mitsuya,draken,kazutora and pah-chin.

F/N and M/N introduced themselves to the other four but unfortunately they had to leave because they had to go home, the others saw how M/N was shaking intensely while F/N looked scared for her life.

Draken:"I feel like something is wrong with those two"

Mitsuya:"Same here, when they were going home they looked absolutely petrified"

Baji:"We could just ask them tomorrow but for right now I'm craving some yakisoba right now so let's go!"


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