004 - First Day

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I woke up early as requested and spent a good couple of minutes cleaning myself up properly for the first time in what feels like years. Sometimes I wonder how I manage to make myself even a little bit cleaner living on the streets and in abandoned places.

A shower after all these years feels so good.

Along with that I grab something for breakfast after I've cleaned myself and got dressed in what I could say is pretty bland but I've seen worse uniforms.

Along with that I grab something for breakfast after I've cleaned myself and got dressed in what I could say is pretty bland but I've seen worse uniforms

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I step outside to get a good view of the apartment complex. It's beautiful, to say the least, the interior is incredibly open with the sun able to shine through the centre onto the garden at the very centre of this place.

I don't know if anyone else lives here, I am not exactly good at sniffing out humans.

I spot her leaving her apartment. She spots me instantly and gestures for me to come to meet with her as she heads in the opposite direction. I hurry over down the stairs and out the front door leading to the apartments.

She is waiting down the steps with two bags in her hand.


"Good morning," she turns to me with a smile.

"Do I call you-"

"Riaz is fine," she hands me a bag, "You can always call me President because we run under the guise of an Occult Research Club at the Academy. So whichever appeals to you."

"I am enrolling?"

She nods. "Picked pretty comfortable ones that you'd need. Nothing too difficult, but in the end, you should sign up for the Club to keep your schedule up to debate without them worrying too much about what you are doing."

"Right. There are... three others, right?"

She looks at me through the corner of her eye, "Smelt them did you?"

I can't help but snort, "Please don't call it that, I mean yeah I did, but it makes me come off more as a dog than anything else."

"Maybe settle for a puppy instead?" She chuckles. "But yeah, you should meet them all when we head towards the old school building. So does this mean you only have a knack for identifying Devils?"

I twist my lips to the side. "It... people with power. Not just Devils."

"Ah," she chuckles. "There's someone that's been in my eye for a bit now, I have a feeling he has something special about him and if it is true that you can sense power I hope you can find out for me to satisfy my curiosity."

"And we'd recruit him?" She nods. "I'll see if that's possible..."

"Oh, fair warning, we share the School with another group of Devils so don't openly approach any of them unless I send someone to fetch you."

With a firm nod, "I'll keep to myself."

"You don't have to avoid them, but there is also a chance they might notice your sudden arrival. Don't worry, I'll handle it seeing as we don't meddle with each other's houses. For the most part, just get settled in and wait till I have someone fetch you."

"Will do."

We are still quite a while away from the Academy. The time spent on the way there was filled with some silence followed by a strange question in my mind on where this really left me. Am I just a manservant?

How do I talk to the person who is supposed to be my Master? Is that all? Nothing more? I don't understand how these things work but I assume she is a pure-blooded Devil and I am from a Pure Blood and... a Reaper.

I am more a Soul Eater, the offspring of a Reaper, than a Devil. To them, I am probably a half-breed... or at the very least a human turned Devil. But... actually, they don't know that. To them, I could quite possibly be a Pure-Blooded Devil.

I see other students.

Though I can feel their gazes burning through my body. As if I just developed a new sense, the kind that detects hints of envy and jealousy. Even heard whispers about people cursing me for walking next to her, Rias Gremory.

And soon it catches on, as a different person asks, "Who is he? Is he new?"

It slowly spreads as more realize I am a face that I haven't seen around here yet and the hatred that I felt not so long ago has all but faded. Maybe I am a relative, maybe I am a friend, or maybe she is showing me around out of the goodness of her black heart.

I guess... I can understand the silent uproars. She really is something and her composed self with that latent authority is doing her wonders. But I can't help but wonder what she'd be like if she was infatuated with someone.

Her eyes widen slightly as she glances at me, "What's up?"

I shake my head. "Nothing"

"If you have to say it so quickly I might just think it isn't nothing."

The two of us stride through the main gates and into the main building of the Academy. She turns to me fully as I already feel an intense hunger in my core from all of the Devils that walk around in these halls.

"I will send someone for you later. We have business after school," Rias declares with a soft smile.

"Understood," I turn around to explore the area while I can before I follow the usual rules behind this.

***   Rias POV   ***

I reach the second floor to see Akeno keeping a keen eye on him. I sit next to her as she asks me, "It's unlike you to go through the risk of someone that we aren't exactly sure about."

"Why not voice your concerns?"

With a gentle smile, "I trust you, Rias. But I don't trust the fact that we have a Pure-Blooded Devil with no idea where he is or how things operate out in the middle like a Stray. Doesn't that concern you even a little bit?"

"You know it does," I counter. "But he looks almost harmless, like someone that got abandoned or lost his way."

"Oh..." she chuckles as she asks with a playful tone, "Felt bad for him?"

I shake my head at her, "Akeno."

"Yes yes," she giggles. "But shall I keep a close eye on him then?"

"Please do. I'd like to believe that he'd definitely be an asset, on the other hand, I hope we get to figure out who he is after. Because if this is a Pure Blood that got lost, we should hope that they won't find it offensive that I picked him up."

"Hmmm, that is a concern."

"One of a few."

Troublesome Desire - (Male Reader x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now