003, quitter

70 3 0

RIVER WAS A very sweet and caring person, but when she was mad she became stubborn. Ricky had pissed her off majorly, so it would take a lot for him to get her to forgive him

Now he had two girls he needed to win over.

She walked into the read through with Nate (her replacement Ricky for the time being) and the two looked around for their seats.

"Could everyone take their assigned seats please?" Ms. Jenn requested.

River noticed her seat was in between Nini and Gina, she turned to Nate. "See you later, Ryan."

"Yoo-hoo, Ginger boy!" Ms. Jenn called out to Big Red. "Can you read?"

"Uh... not really." He replied nervously. "Well you're reading now. Just the stage directions. Thank you. Excuse me." She then walked over to her seat.

Big Red looked at River with a worried expression. She sent him a comforting smile. "You got this, Red."

She sat down in her seat

"Don't forget to silence your phones!" The woman reminded them. "I realize that you all walked in here as strangers."

"Actually, EJ's my cousin." Ashlyn said.

"But after today, you're a family." She continued. "One tribe, committed to lifting this classic film to new heights."

A phone camera shutter clicked and their attention went to Carlos, who was taking selfies with his choreographer plate. He then both down.

"Please take your neighbors hands." Ms. Jenn said. She turned to Big Red, who was looking through the script. "Hand."

River took Nini and Gina's hands. She noticed Ricky holding his hand out for Nini, she took it hesitantly.

"Desperate." River remarked in a cough.

"Hands." The teacher said to Ricky and EJ. They looked at each other before holding hands. "Feel each other's energy. Let the silence speak volumes. In a world full of no, this is a space full of yes."

"Nice." Carlos said, he leaned closer to her. "Did you just come up with that?"

"I did." Ms. Jenn replied.

Ricky looked over at Nini, but she decided to look at EJ with a smile, he smiled back at her.

Ricky sat there awkwardly between the couple which caused River to laugh quietly. The boy glared at her as she closed her eyes.

"We're all in this together." Ms. Jenn began to sing in a opera style. "Once we know that we are."

River felt Nini drop her hand, she opened her eyes to see her highlighting her lines. "We're all stars. And we see that. We're all in this together. And it shows when we stand. Hand-in-hand. Make our dreams come true."

Ms. Jenn held the note as she sang true. Ashlyn started to clap but stopped herself when no one else seemed to be doing so. The woman mouthed a thanks.


"Sharpay heads for class, she hears singing, opened the door to the biology lab." Big Red read out dryly. "She rings Gabriella and Taylor washing their hands. They turn to find there are no paper towels in the dispenser. They-

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