Peterson family headcannons

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Before this starts
In my hc
The Peterson fam consists of uncle Keith,auntie Cheryl and Luke
Plus their cockatoo pebbles but I don't mention him in this 😔
I explain more in my family dynamics part so check that out 🫶

-Luke's aunts hobbies are making stuff with the berry's she grows, painting thunderstorms(fantastic mr fox refrence) and spending quality time with her three fav people: Keith, Luke and pebbles , their cockatoo

-Keith's hobbies are fishing , doing up cars (he's a mechanic) and going in dates with his love of his life 🫶


- Luke is ALWAYS HOT
like bro sweats so easily and always has a fan on when he sleeps , drives Zander mad cus he is NORMAL and gets cold in the winter and had to deal with a fan when he's shivering
- Luke and his aunt are besties , like obvs he lives with her but like they lit joke like she's his age ,because she is a lot younger than his mom(her sister) and she makes SO MANY BARBARIC JOKES ITS ALMOST CONCERNING
-fishing trips with Luke cheryl and Keith are so fun, feel privileged if you get to go
Cheryl makes a picnic while Keith watches the water and Luke doodles in a book and takes turns with  his uncle fishing

-Luke bites his nails and picks his lips likes a Silly billy

Shanon and Luke's aunt Cheryl are besties. Shanon used to be friends with Luke's mom,but after what her and his dad did she completely broke contact with her ... even on Facebook
And now she just sends cheryl all the memes and Instagram reels
-Keith(Luke's grandad) is always right when he has a bad feeling about someone
Like he never liked Luke's parents
He neber liked drew when Jake told him about the jomies
When he tells Cheryl he thinks somethings off or he feels it in his bones ... you know you should listen
-Luke speaks like an old man
"Oh good lord!"
"Great heavens"
"That's bonkers"
-cheryl makes the best sandwiches and jams
-She has her own berry bushes in the garden , she has strawberry,loganberries,black berry, raspberry and blueberry's
She makes muffins with the  blue berry and Logan berries
Jam with the strawberries and blackberries
And she makes raspberry jelly 🫶

-Luke's dad never used to fully connect with him,even before he told them he was pan. So Luke never really got the full experience, so when he lived with Keith and Cheryl, keith did all he could to give Luke the late but full experience. Like calling him things like 'champ' and 'bud', teaching him how to shave, and taking him in outings like fishing trips and band performances

(This is a dad one,so get the tissues)
-when the couple didn't know they couldn't have children ,they were trying the same time as Lukes bio parents ,as they wanted the two to grow up together,but after they found out they were infertile and Luke's mom, Maggie was still pregnant, they told them and all they said was "oh dear cher,it's a pity" and in family gatherings cheryl heard Maggie say things like "it would be her wouldn't it?" And "yes it's a pity, but I'm sure she enjoyed the attention it bought to her"

Can you tell I hate Luke's bio parents yet 🤭

-they were the half of the family that were excluded from family meet ups, his parents weaving their way back into the extended family
The only extended family they see now is Keith's side and they invite whickam/Austin family a lot  (in laws hehe 🤭🤭🤭)

-I hc Luke as dyslexic and colour blind so when he messages people about it it's always puts a smile on their faces like

Luke: hlep auntie my senev is wrong

Cheryl: what hon? The seven is completely normal X

Luke: no
Luke: it's the rong way

Cheryl: 7? It's the right way luke Xx
we have the same phone

Luke: no , its meant to be facing right
Luke: wait
Luke: crap

Sometimes it's so bad cheryl or whoever he's messaging has to call him to make sure they read it right
He finds it funny though so he's ok with them joking about it
Cheryl making really barbaric jokes about general stuff and Luke 🤝Milly making barbaric jokes about lander

- the club love Luke's aunt and uncle , it's  one of their  fav places to hang out, tied with Zander an Haley's

That's all 🫶

I just love my Luke ic and I think the three of them (four of you count their cockatoo) are so fun and silly

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