An Average Time In Our Kingdom Part 5

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Hongjoong's View

"No, I mean what happens now with the puzzle?" Heysui asks "Well the kid hasn't bound to it anymore," Chinghae says "The house you and I have in Seoul has so many rooms so the kid can just pick out which room he wants to be his" "I see" "As for the puzzle it just remains a puzzle that is able to help Seypis," Chinghae says "So all we can do is just teach him the things we know" "I see so magic" "Um" "Is he going to your dad's academy or your mom's academy" "Well he's 90% good so the best case would be Crestmore but then at some point, he'll have to head to Haiyamere for his 10% evil so I guess we can start by getting him ready for his first test" "Wait so he's automatically registered?!" "Well now but he will be soon since you and I are his parents that means we'll have to show The Great Hoens and my parents proof that Seypis is half good half evil and then when we do we'll also have to somehow get proof that he's our kid the puzzle is just a puzzle" "Maybe there's already a paper" "Um?" "Before I came to find you a a folder appeared on my desk at Haiyamere it's in my bag now it seemed important but I wanted you to be around because what if it's papers in regards to Seypis" "You did right" "So where do we go?" "I guess home" Chinghae says "To see if the folder that appeared before your mom will aid us in getting you a cerfied spot in both my dad's academy and my mom's academy" All three of their sitmach grlowed they all laughed "Okay and food too" Chinghae says "Let's go offt guys really" "Hahhaha" "There is no way the three got up at the same time and bumped each other's foreheads" "Apparenlty we did Chinghae ap..." "Hey Mom you...Grandma Juile and Grandpa James" "Oh whoa it's my mom and dad" Chinghae says 

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