Chapter 3

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Sunny bolted up from his bed, sweating. His breathing pace was fast. He couldn't see clearly, everything was dizzy.. Sunny quickly looked at his nightstand. Looking for water. Unfortunately. There was none. He quickly got up to fetch some water, yet fell. Hard on the floor. A loud THUMP was heard throughout the entire room, though it can be heard outside his room. He couldn't move because his arms and chest hurt from the fall and from the nightmare.

He faintly heard footsteps, running. Towards his room. His mom opened the door, and another person but he couldn't make out who it was. Sunny's mom kneeled next to him, made Sunny be in a sitting position and her hand was on his shoulder and on his cheek. It seems like he was crying because she was consoling him, her hand was caressing his cheek.

"Go......Bring........Glass......." Is what Sunny heard his mother say to the unknown person standing on his doorway. But it wasn't a "person" it was "people" they were 2 people, witnessing him being confused. Both left to get whatever his mom asked.

"Shhh...Shh...Sunny?" His mother asked, Sunny's vision and hearing was becoming clear.

"Mom?" Sunny replied. He didn't know what was going on and he was concerned about his nightmare.

"Hey Sunny, please, you're still breathing very heavily..Please repeat after me." His mother said in a calm whisper tone.

Sunny's mom did the breathing exercise which Sunny did afterwards.

In and out

Should he tell her?

In and out

How would she react?

In and out

Who the hell were in the house?

"We have the water.." A female voice was heard. Sunny looked up to see the girl. She looks familiar.

Dark hair like Sunny's, Moss green eyes..


Carmen slowly walked towards his mom, she was hesitant about spilling the water. Every time the water was about to spill she stopped, not rapidly. But her look when she feels like the water is going to fall or the cup itself. She was scared. When reaching her destination. Carmen slowly kneeled with the cup of water, handing it to Sunny's mom.

"Thank you honey.." She nodded with a smile. Sunny's mom and Carmen both looked at Sunny with deep concern. Sunny was drinking the water, his hand was shaking when drinking it.

"Sunny..what happened?" Sunny's mom asked, Sunny finishing the water.

"I...had a nightmare.." Sunny confessed.

"Was it about Faraway..?" Sunny's mom asked again, Sunny knew she was going to say Mari but with new friends and guests around. It would not be a great time to open up.

"...No.." Sunny then replied. Which shocked Sunny's mother.

"Me and Scarlett can leave, if you'd like to miss." Carmen soon came in, talking in a whisper tone.

"Thank you, I think it'd be best that me and Sunny should talk.." Sunny's mother spoke. "We'll see you later, sit in the living room.. We will meet you there." Sunny's mom then instructed. Carmen nodded, closed the door and took Scarlett to the living room.

Sunny's mother soon looked at Sunny.

"What happened?" She then asked.

Sunny was hesitant, but started his story. About how he was originally in the space where he would usually be. Seeing Omori. Sunny's mom was confused but soon then realized that OMORI was a piano brand which Mari had. Then, Sunny went on to tell the terrifying scenery of the corrupted headspace. Then went on to say that he was easy in the sky. Sunny's mom, of course, was worried. Sunny's mom thought that he died in his sleep but was quickly turned down when Sunny told her about him going to a dark empty space. Her eyes widened when he told her about his skin glowing. Which, both quietly chuckled. When Sunny reached the part about the table. Fear soon paralyzed his voice. He was quiet for a while. Sunny's mom was patient.

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