Chapter 4

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Sunny felt like he was going to throw up.

The feeling of being watched was all from that person. Who is this person? Do they know him personally? How did they find his home? How did they know about everything?

Sunny was looking at the photos. The more he looked at them, the more he wanted to burn it. Sunny felt trapped, not in the hands of him but in the hands of someone else. Someone has taken over his life. He cannot be free again.

The more he looked at the photos, he wanted to throw up

The more he looked at the photos, he wanted to scream.

The more he looked at the photos, he wanted to go back to Faraway and forget this happened.

The more he looked at the photos. He just wants to go back to sleep and forget this happened.

He felt dizzy and weak. He roughly set the photos on his desk and went to the edge of his bed and sat there. Then he just stared at the floor for a few long minutes. Thinking about what he can do to stop this. But how can he stop this if he doesn't know that person? He then looked at the desk where it showed the photos. Now tears filled up his eyes.

Quickly, he felt his heart. The sound of his heart racing was pounding in his ears, he couldn't hear anything other than his heart. The sound of his environment around him was silent. It was just him and his racing heart. He wanted everything to stop but when he tried to take a breath, he couldn't. He became so worried about his heart and the photos that the pressure of him trying to breathe. There was no energy. He wanted to disappear. He wanted to be gone from this world. He doesn't want this. What did he do to deserve this? Soon, his chest hurts. He felt like he was going to have a heart attack. The quick beating of his heart felt like it was now on his ribcage.

Everything became cold to Sunny. His hair stood up, he could feel it. But he did not do anything about it. He wanted to speak but he was too weak to. His whole body just shut down. He felt something warm on his head, then something rolling down. Soon, he became very shaky. His whole body was shaking and he could not feel his hands.

Sunny felt he was going to pass out.

Sunny was breathing heavily, a rough breath in and out but nothing calmed him down. His throat let him choke out a few yet loud sobs which quickly turned into weeping. He wanted Mari. Mari would know what to do. But she is not here. Now he is the older brother who used to be treated as a younger brother. He can't handle the pressure.

Finally, His throat let him scream. Scream in pain.

He didn't care if the neighbors heard him or his new 'friends.'

There was something that wanted him to let this emotion go.

When seeing those photos, something cracked inside of him.

He was a small glass bottle. He felt like he was an inanimate object. Something that couldn't move nor speak. That object that is just there. In the corner, doing nothing. But slowly, something causes that glass to break. Something causes it to slowly be shown. Until it breaks apart.

Sunny was tired of being someone that can overlook everything. To run away from every negative thing. Letting Omori deal with his shit. Though, now, it's Sunny's turn to be in charge of himself.

He doesn't like his change.

He hates it, in fact.

He hates how everything decides to crumble as soon as he is trying to get better.

He couldn't hear many things.

Too many cars honking.

Too many people talking.

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