Final decision

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-a few hours later-
Y/n looks around making sure no one is around. She looks back at the computer screen where an email sits, staring blankly at her. It reads:

Dear Christian Horner

I would be delisted to take over from Sergio Perez this season. I am also over the moon that you had thought of me after not racing for years. I may be a little rusty (no pun intended) but I am more than happy to start work as soon as possible to regain that confidence and skill.

Many thanks
Y/N Ashton

"Just send it y/n. It's not that hard" she mutters under her breath. "What's that?" Kev asks. Shit shit shit she thinks. "Uhh. Nothing just work." She clicks send . Don't and dusted she thinks to herself. "Work? at 6? But your hours are 10-4?" He starts to walk over and y/n quickly shuts the tab. "Yeah, just forgot to send out an email" she laughs a little while logging out of her account. "Oh alright. Well Charlotte is in bed so we have the house to ourselves."
She gulps. "O-oh okay" he grabs the back of her neck with some force and turns her head towards his. "You do as I say. Got it? Cool." Before she had any time to even try and answer he slams her head into the table then walks off.

"Ah fuck" y/n says with a wispy voice. She lifts her head and is immediately awakened with a banging headache. She looks around and tries to gather her surroundings and thoughts. "What happened?" She asks herself. She feels her head and then looks down at her hands and is then face to face with her own blood on her hands. She panics trying to scurry around. Trying her best to find a way to leave.

She gets up and finds her balance and then looks around. Her eyes land on the stairs, her thoughts lands on her daughter. She needs to get out of here she knows she does.

She slowly but surly gets herself up the stairs as quick as she can. Once she's at the top of the stairs she is filled with guilt and regret. Why did I let myself into this mess, what did I do and why did I do it she thinks to herself. As she walks towards her and her husbands bedroom her attention is focused on the bathroom and the noise of the shower. She has a bit of time, just just a little.

She searches her closet for a suitcase. She grabs as many clothes as possible along with her work bag. She finds her phone and her phone charger. She rushes to the side of her bad and finds her husbands laptop, that will do she thinks. And she stuffs it all into the case.

As she re enters the hallway she keeps her eyes on the bathroom door as she walks towards her daughters bedroom. She repeats the same steps grabbing a bag and grabbing clothes for her daughter. She then picks up her daughter praying not to wake her.

Y/n grabs the bags and a pair of shoes and opens the front door as quiet as she could. Y/n looks back at her house, the place she worked so hard for, the place she once called home, the place she wanted to live in forever. But I guess hapoy ever after a are only for the movies, right?

As she leaves she grabs her keys off the side, and doesn't even bother shutting the door. She chucks the bags in the back with Charlotte and straps her in. Y/n gets in the front and adjusts her rear veiw window then says to her daughter "I'm so sorry you had to live that like, and I'm so sorry for the way your going to have to live"
Y/n turns the key and the car starts. She reverses out the drive way and leaves her whole life behind her. Time to start new.

Home sick  -  Daniel ricciardoWhere stories live. Discover now