The drive

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Y/n had been driving for hours. Luckily Charlotte was still asleep. She checked the time. It read:
1:26am Monday 7th January
"What am I gonna do, I have no where to go, no one to contact." She taps the steering wheels to the beat of the low volume song playing on the radio. Y/n sits there for a good half an hour thinking and thinking and thinking. Until she sees a road sign, telling her that there is an airport within the 5 mile radius. And that's when it hits her. Monaco, y/n needs to go to Monaco, that's where everyone is, that's where she needs to be.

She that's where she goes. She takes the next exit and takes her and her daughter to the airport. "Is this a good idea, I have no idea but I guess we have to wait and see"

About half an hour passes and y/n pulls into the airport car park. It isn't hard looking for a space as it's around 2am and hardly anyone is here. So she find a space and unloads the car of her three bags and her daughter. Y/n looks around as Charlotte wakes up. "Mummy? Where are we? Where's daddy?" She looks down at her two year old daughter and softly smiles. "Mummy and Charlotte are going to go away for a little bit okay, daddy is at home" Charlottes face lights up "where are we going? Are we going on those big things again?" Y/n laughs properly for the first time in a while and replies "yes we are baby" to her daughter.

The airport is dead quiet, which is in y/n's favour. But she keeps an eye out for any paparazzi or anything like that as she leads her daughter through the airport to the check in desk where she prays she can get tickets.

"Hello and welcome to London airport, have you got a booking today?" Y/n searches her bag for her phone as she answers. "Uhh, yeah no I unfortunately don't but I was wondering, when's the next flight to Monaco?" She doesn't once look up from the ground as she hears the clacking and clicking of the computer. "There's one in about 3 hours if that suits you? There's only three seats left is that suitable?" Y/n finally looks up and says "yeah that's fine I only need one seat my daughter and sit on my lap." The flight attendant looks down at her daughter and then back up at her. "I'm sorry do I recognise you from somewhere?" She panics and tries to create an answer. "Uhhh, no? I-I-I don't believe so?" She quickly spits out so she couldn't hear the fear in her voice. The flight attendant shakes it off and hands her a card reader. "That will be £250 pounds each for a one way or a £468 each charge for a two way" y/n checks how much cash she has in her purse. "Uhh, no need for card I'll do two one way tickets please" the flight attendant looks at her in shock as she takes away the card reader and opens her register. "Then that's £500 cash please?" Y/n takes out the cash and hands it to the lady. "Thank you so much, I know it's a bit of a shock but thank you." The lady counts it up and nods her head. She looks up and smiles as she hands y/n her printed tickets. "Have a lovely flight" y/n takes the tickets and walks away as fast as she can trying to find somewhere to sit.

Home sick  -  Daniel ricciardoWhere stories live. Discover now