stan and kyle angst- suicide

468 7 16

Stan and Kyle (17)

TW/CW- Suicide, blood, cutting, depression

The boys walked from the bus stop, Kenny and Cartman laughing as Kyle rolled his eyes. Stan was quiet.

He'd been quiet for awhile.

He wouldn't say why.

He just kept his head down and gave nods occasionally. They all were worried but acted normal.

"Bye Stan, see you tomorrow," Kyle said as they paused in front of Stans house. The bly nodded, hurrying inside.

"He was really quiet today...more then usual," Kenny said softly, looking worried. Kyle nodded, hands in his pockets.

"I don't like this...something is wrong," Kyle said before going to the front door. He didn't knock, just pushed inside. Cartman Kenny shared a look, quickly following Kyle.

Kyle made a beeline for Stans room. He grabbed the handle, sighing.
"It's locked," he said.

Cartman turned, entering Shelley's room.
"Dude!" Kenny hissed. Cartman came back a moment later with a hair pin.
"What?" He pushed Kyle aside, picking the lock. This left Kenny and Kyle speechless. Cartman pushed the door open.

The three stared. Kenny gasped, Kyle slapping his hands over his mouth as Cartman was silent, eyes wide.

"Holy shit..."
"Oh...oh my God,"
"S-Stan? STAN!" Kyle ran to his best friend in tears. "Oh God...oh fuck, Stan! Wake up!"

Kyle looked at the blood, eyes wide in terror. What had he done..?

Kyle took Stan into his arms, seeing the knife beside him. He sobbed, clutching the other.

" can't do this, man. Please,"

Cartman spoke softly in the hallway as Kenny stared, too scared to move but unable to look away.

"Stan, please! You need to wake up," Kyle cried, holding him tightly. "You're such an idiot...I love you so much, you asshole!"

Tears filled Kennys eyes as he moved forwards, sitting beside Kyle who held Stan and sobbed. Stan was still bleeding, unresponsive.

"No! He can't, he can't die!"
"Kyle, he's gone," Kenny whispered, hand on Kyles arm. Kyle shook his head, sobbing.

"No, he can't be!"

The paramedics arrived, and it took both Cartman and Kenny to drag Kyle away from Stans body. The ginger fought, crying violently as he yelled.

Sharon and Randy ran in, and Sharon screamed, tears pouring from her eyes.
"My baby!!"

3 weeks passed.

Kenny and Cartman sat with their parents, listening to Sharon cry loudly. They sat side by side, no idea where Kyle was.

After the funeral, they went to Kyles house.

Kyle was on the floor of his bedroom, building a lego set.

"Dude where the hell were you? You missed the funeral," Cartman said in annoyance.
"Funeral? What funeral?" Kyle asked, completely serious.

Kenny and Cartman stared at him, then looked at eachother. Wait...

"Kyle...Where's Stan?" Kenny asked slowly.
"Bathroom," Kyle didnt look up, continuing to build.

Both boys felt a cold shiver run down their spines. Did Kyle not remember?

Kyle looked up, smiling at nothing.
"Guys move, he's trying to get in,"

Cartman and Kenny stepped aside, confused. Kyles eyes followed something into the room.

"I'm almost done, dude! See?" He showed his lego to no one.

"Jesus christ..." Cartman muttered.
"We need to talk to his parents..."

They went downstairs, finding Sheila and Gerald talking softly. Sheila was crying.

"Oh, hi boys," she said, wiping her tears.
"Mrs. Kyle okay?" Kenny asked softly.

Gerald sighed.
"He's traumatized, boys. We had a specialist check him out...he genuinely sees Stan," he told them. He has for nearly 2 weeks. He doesn't remember it at all,"

Kenny's heart almost stopped. Kyle was that traumatized by it..? Cartmans eyes were wide, and he looked at the ground.

"Don't say anything that might upset him. He's fragile," Sheila told them. The boys nodded and returned to Kyles room. Kyle was laughing, rolling his eyes as if he was just told a stupid joke.

"This is so wrong...we need to tell him," Cartman mumbled.
" could break him. You saw how hurt and upset he was,"

"So what...we let him just believe Stans still alive?"
"Yes! Cartman, he's fucked in the head because of it. Stan killed himself, for christs sakes. He has reason to be a little messed up,"

Cartman looked at Kyle again. He was chattering away to no one, laughing and seeming so...happy.

"We can't let him know yet. It could kill him," Kenny said softly.

I'm sure you've seen comics of this but I wanted to right some angst so...yeah, here you go.

I hope you enjoyed, have a great day. I love you all so much!

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