Meeting family

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(Gladion is meeting Delia for the first time lol)

"Ash what if she doesn't like me, what if I'm too much wha-"

"Gladion I love you but shut your face hole, I'm sure it'll be ok my mom's really friendly"

The two were on their way to pick up Delia from the airport, gladion casually overthinking as he always does. Thirty minutes later they arrived at the airport.

"Mom I'm happy to see you again" ash said happily while gladion looked as white as a ghost.

"I-its nice t-to meet you Mrs. Ketchum" Gladion said sheepishly holding his hand out for her to shake. "It's nice to meet you too gladion, please just call me deila" Delia said kindly, excited to meet the boy that was taking care of her son. She takes gladions hand and pulls him in a hug, his white face admeadly turned red.

"My son talks about you so much he must really love you, ash is he treating you well?"

"Of course mom, he treats me very well he's very kind and sweet" ash said, gladions face got redder."I'm glad, gladion thank you for taking care of my son, is ash taking care of you?" Delia asked. "Yes of course, I love him very much I'm very grateful for ash" gladion said as his face cooled down.

(At profs kukuis house bc I'm lazy, she is chatting with gladion while ash is outside helping Prof kukui with yard work)

"Are you alright gladion" she asked as worry filled her voice "you look upset"
"I'll admit, I'm nervous I've never been good with speaking to people, let alone a partners family member" he spoke in an anxious tone.
"I'm sorry sweetie, is there any way I can help" she asked in a sweet tone.

"... Can I have a hug please" he asked embarrassed. "Of course sweetie come here" she opens her arms wide and swallows gladion whole. He quickly wraps his arms around her back.

Ash and kukui walk into the house "aw"ing at the sight. "So mom, do you really like him?" Ash asked. "Yes I do, you got a great one" she said. "Yes your right, I did"

Im so sorry for not publishing for so long I know I'm slacking and I'm sorry, I'm trying to get some shit out for you guys. Sorry pookies😘✌️

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