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Tw: sh, angst, sad shit. But over all not too bad ig, definitely going to be some cute ones too

1: When gladion relapses, he'll gets ash and very quietly ask him for help, during these moments, ash always lets gladion rant about things that are bothering him, and offers solutions if gladion wants them

2: ash has really bad separation anxiety so if gladion is away for too long, ash will cling onto him when he gets home

3: when gladion is having a really bad depression day, ash will always try to help him do small tasks, but when its too bad for gladion to even get out of bed, ash always makes sure hes at least eating and getting the attention he needs to gain back a little strength

4: during the night, they like to keep it cold in the house because that's the only way they can sleep, so gladion likes to cozy up in lots of layers for bed time

5: ash has a really hard time falling asleep without gladion beside him, so gladion bought him a stuffed animal and sprayed it with his gentle smelling cologne so it's not too overpowering

6: gladion's 2 favorite comfort foods are chicken fried rice with stuffed mushrooms on the side or creamy chicken potato dumpling soup

7: ash likes to sleep outside a lot so sometimes he sets up a tent and sleeps outside

8: when gladion is having a depression day or days, Pikachu will cuddle with him and offer his bottle of ketchup (gladion never eats the ketchup but he'll cuddle with the bottle if Pikachu is with him to make him feel good about giving him a bottle of ketchup)

9: gladion often cusses out rotom for being so loud (gladion hates loud noises and is very sensitive when it comes to loud noises so it really bothers him)

10: ash loves to play in the water so gladion will go out with him to the beach and watch him so he doesn't get hurt

11: ash despises mustard and peppers for some reason, but gladion loves peppers so much to the point he'll eat them by themselves as a snack

13: when ash is having a PTSD episode, gladion gently cuddles him and puts one of his hoodies or blankets on him to keep him calm

15: gladion can play clarinet and violin

16: gladion has OCD and really hates being dirty or things being dirty so the house must always stay clean

17: gladion's favorite blanket out of his entire collection is a large and soft sage green and cream colored striped blanket

18: Pikachu is gladion and ashes cuddle buddy at night

That's all for tonight ig, sorry

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