2am sickness

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(sick boi :3)

Ash was sleeping next to ash, when he woke up to the sound of sniffing. Ash slowly sat up, still feeling groggy. "Mhm... Gladion are you alright..? What's wrong?" Ash asked in a quiet voice, while rubbing his eyes. "Its nothing.. I'm sorry I woke you" gladion said quietly, mentally cursing himself for waking ash up and the intense nausea hes having. "Tell me what's wrong please" ash said gently, as he places his hand on gladions back and gently rubs up and down. "I feel really nauseous... But I'm fine really" Gladion said embarrassed, he hated showing any form of weakness, especially in front of the one he loves most.

"No you're not gladion, come on, I'm going to take you to the bathroom, alright" Ash says as he gently gets out of bed and helps gladion sit up slowly. Gladion doesn't say anything and heads to the bathroom with ash, trying to suppress the urge to vomit. Once they were in the bathroom, gladion sat in front of the toilet as ash gently holds back his bangs, and rubs on gladion's back, encouraging him to throw up. "I know you don't like it, but it'll make you feel better, plus I'm right here" ash said softly. He watches as gladion leans over the toilet bowl and starts vomiting. As gladion is vomiting, he's also crying. After awhile gladion stops throwing up, and leans back against ash.

Ash gently wipes gladions mouth with a wet wipe and kisses his head. "I'm going to run you a warm shower, and while you're in the shower I'll go to the store and get you some Pedialyte and some meds, ok love?" Ash said softly as he turns on the shower to a Luke warm temperature. "Ok.. please don't be gone too long" gladion answers back quietly as he slowly stands up and starts to undress. After gladion has his shower, he rummages through ashes clothes and manages to find a hoodie, a pair of shorts and a pair of socks. Gladion gets dressed slowly, and curls up into bed, hugging a pillow tight, as he waits for ash to get home from the store.

Ash comes home and enters gladion's room. "Gladion, I'm back. Are you feeling any better?" Ash asked softly as he sets the bag on the side table and rubs gladions head gently. "Not really, but I'm not as nauseous" gladion said quietly, his voice was raspy. "That's good, I'm going to give you some medicine." (I prolly ain't gonna finish this sorry, enjoy)

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